Why is the mana of my Holy Priest not increasing when I add gear for intellect?

I have a level 78 Holy Priest with a base of 905k Mana when I remove all my gear and Intellect is at 11,603. Surprisingly, my health’s baseline is 1,181k and Stamina is at 59,066. When I add my gear which increases Intellect to 25,593 with no Mana increase. Stamina is increased to 113,384 with an increase of Health to 2,267k. Is there a limit to Mana that a Priest can have? If so, what is the point of having intellect on my gear then? Or is this a game issue?

Mana is static between lvls. so each level increases it

Int giving mana was uncoupled LONG ago…

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It’s like spellpower.