Why is the game getting better as more people left?!

Appreciate the effort the devs are putting in but why does the quality of the game and updates feel better than when the game was more populated? Hopefully the new fresh subs allows the devs to continue working nicely on sod.

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Thereā€™s a lot to say, but in my opinion, SoD and the devs just needed time. They needed to make mistakes and test the waters if that makes sense.

Iā€™m enjoying current SoD more than ever as the class changes feel in a great place, the community isnā€™t too crowdedā€¦ feels like a busier Era and I enjoy when the most amount of content is available. As a retail player, SoD is my break from retail when I want to play Classic content without going full 2005.

If they had launched SoD knowing what they know now and with the current Quality of Life systems in place, I think reception would have been better.

I hope they continue to let us play indefinitely and we keep a small ā€œEraā€ community around for those of us that want to occasionally login and run a Naxx, kill some world bosses or level an alt.


Think about who is sticking around in SoD vs who was playing in the earlier phases. The ppl left are the ones who love classic, and who have come to love SoD. Earlier phases were full of tourists (no disrespect) and with so much casual content there were a lot of people who didnā€™t know how to play the game or didnā€™t understand the nuance of class dynamics. With anniversary fresh, Iā€™m guessing a lot of casual tourists went over there or have picked up any of the other big titles around outside of Bliz lately.

Trying to balance the game around that disparate of an audience and skill level is much harder than trying to balance around players who ā€˜getā€™ it.

Combine that with the fact that yes the devs are hitting their stride, and the fact that we are at max level and no new runes, skills, or talents are being introduced, balance changes between phases are much more predictable.

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I know adding even more new runes/abilities to SoD wonā€™t fix everything, but I was really hoping for a ā€œSmite Priestā€ holy magic caster DPS to be a viable build at some point. We have Mage healer, Shaman/Warlock/Rogue tanks, etc. I know itā€™s super random and niche to post this here, but I just think about it all the time :sob:

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This is just conjecture. The reality is most people quit because the game was and still is super unbalanced in PvP and things like incursions were a disaster. Phase 1 was BiS because it focused on the leveling expierence. P2 and every phase since tried real hard to expedite the leveling portion. Most people play vanilla cause they enjoy the journey, not the endgame. Now you can zoom to lvl 60 and do what, play in BGs where a couple classes reign supreme? SoD is just super unpolished. Theres a reason why vanilla WoW is timeless and why SoD clearly isnt


Super simple question to answer. They got rid of all the right wing folks and created an echo chamber for lefties by creating safe spaces and promoting furry behavior. But on the bright side now you guys can have houses and stuff so thatā€™s uh, neat.


Did you forget to turn the gas off on your stove?


lol effort

I only have been in SoD for a few months now. All it takes is is to stare at my lock in Era and appreciate all the extras and potential here. And always something to do.

The players are the problem so the less players the better the game is

i see , less player = less problem (to complain)
if no one playing then there will no complaining = better
so the best solution is everybody just stop playing this game

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Incursions and pvp were trash

SOM mechanics were lazy

Player base was all about parses and logs

Bad game actually and a waste of resources


I came back and thereā€™s like 20 things in my bags I donā€™t know what to do with unless I go abck and review wowhead. Too many changes and too much retail injection. Liked some things though. Turtle wow just does it better sorry.

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Iā€™m personally a PvPer who finished off getting his thunderaan gear, already got rank 13, and they havenā€™t incentivized rank 14 enough for me to care. Donā€™t enjoy PvE, especially something thatā€™s just a recycle, so itā€™s like meh. Instead of adding a new PvP event they again recycled blood moon, which is what got me to check out in phase 2 as well, as I knew phase 3 was going to be the same. You say theyā€™ve gotten better, but itā€™s hard to see that when they keep recycling the garbage content into the game without adding more.

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Bro you have got to be a bot


Not gonna sit through all the raids again artificially just for blizzard to put in the bare minimum effort. Turtle does it better

When SoD was new, Noone really new to expect. Youd have 100 players and 100 different expectations for what SoD -would- be. Now that itā€™s been around the block, we know what SoD -is- and the players that stayed know what it is and like it for what it is. So unlike early days you have alot of players on the same wavelength for outcomes, play patterns, and style which is sure to breed a fun experience for most involved. I couldnā€™t stick it out but Iā€™m glad for everyone still enjoying it! (phase 1 was and is my fave)

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You must play paladin.

I donā€™t think itā€™s because more players left, per ce. I think itā€™s more that they yeeted GDKP and the game is better because of it.

I for one, like that dopamine rush when you win something off of a roll and youā€™ve been trying to get a piece for a week, or sometimes up to a few months.

It would be like walking into a raid that has a mount in it, and going ā€œI love GDKP, I spent the most on my debit card for all this gold, and now the mount is guaranteed to be mineā€ rather than ā€œIt droppppppppped! Omg omg, and I won the roll?!ā€ /foams at the mouth in excitement.

I bet youā€™re the type of WoW player that considers lazy vanilla fresh servers is good content.