Why is the "Combine Bags" setting sorting my bags like this?

The only posts I see about this are from 2022 and the “Fixes” do not work for me.

All of my bags have default settings, I have not checked any of the boxes. I’ve run the sort scripts to try and resolve the issue, but they don’t work. Why does this happen?

Could you paste your link in again, highlight it and press <?>. You don’t need to edit the link that way.



Ya I can’t post links, sorry. And whatever the other poster asked me to do it wouldn’t let me and then I was no longer able to post

It looks like your bags are set to specific items. Click the bag icon on the upper left of that window. Click a bag and uncheck/change the selection.

Every bag has every option unchecked.

Try checking an option, sort, uncheck the option and sort again.

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/run C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(true)

Thank you. I had to change it to /run C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(false)
But this is the only script that actually makes them sort in order. You saved me lots of headaches