Because lead developer mains resto shaman so he made them overpowered just like in Shadowlands when Hpals were nerfed to the ground and they gave Rshaman a brand new op legendary c:
Nah I highly doubt this was the case. He was also lead developer when resto shamans were bottom of the pack, too, so I don’t think he has as much say as we think on this.
It’s not just dispels. Resto Shaman has a 12 second kick and priests have none. They have an aoe stun, they have knocks. It was explained to priests in DF beta that their knock was being taken away because too many other classes have one.
Shaman healing in 5 mans is very good as well and they are so incredibly out of touch with things that until they got a ton of comments about it they were about to nerf hpal AGAIN and not shaman just because of the stupid raid.
If they buffed other healers healing and damage by like 30% and left everything else the same, resto shamans would still be the meta healer. It’s never been even close to this bad before and so far we’ve heard NOTHING about balancing it.
You really have to wonder if any of the current devs have ever played the game.
I have an Earthen Holy Priest on deck, and I prefer priest healing, so if Sham does get nerfed, hopefully priest gets buffed. But yeah, not having to stand around helpless while spells pop off and mobs run around is so nice. It’s fun to proactively have an interrupt and CC. The 4p set bonus has also helped with the mana problems I’ve been experiencing. It seems the tradeoff for Shaman utility is they actually have to watch their mana bar, and they can go OOM if you’re blasting out chain heals or healing surge spamming. On my priest, my mana almost never moves, and if it does get to half, I just pop shadowfiend.
Ultimately, the rise of Resto Sham is another example that class power is cyclical and players need to have a stable of alts to jump in on the “spec du jour” for the season.
I don’t even want resto shamans or shamans in general to get nerfed, I think they deserve their time in the sun. I just don’t want to play this dumb game of “whatever healer has the best kit to deal with mechanics is the meta” when they could just give every healing spec a good kit to deal with mechanics instead to avoid this in the future, too.
The fact that healing priests still don’t have an interrupt which should be baseline for everyone at this point is just silly.
I played a mix of Holy and Disc the entirety of DF and wanted to mix it up in TWW and revive my old Shaman main. It’s amazing how complete the Shaman toolkit feels. There’s no situation where you feel screwed that you’re missing something important. I adore Disc but there’s no way Disc could be objectively rated as even close to as good as Resto Sham if you’re talking about the tools as a whole.
lost ark was doomed to die from the start it was a pay to win f2p model most of these do not last that long with anywhere near the numbers they had at the start because people who play these tend to move on after the dopamine stops coming
Mostly cuz Blizz doesn’t balance around healers as much. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and we had DPS getting declined for keys because they didn’t play an ele shaman.
You would see far more outrage on these forums
I’ll take a stab at this.
I am not sure that resto shaman in itself is stronger than the other healers per se. Look at raid healing pretty middle of the pack.
What makes shaman so strong this season is that its toolkit is just unbelievably well suited for the season.
The totemic r sham - surging totem healing window aligns very very well with almost every boss mechanic and is available very often in trash pulls to give you tremendous healing often.
Before R sham was very strong in its cooldowns and honestly pretty weak outside of them.
Now they extremely strong in their cooldowns and still quite strong outside of them.
I remember in s2 of DF I was playing rsham. And if I had cooldowns available everyone was invincible. If I didn’t my healing was extremely lackluster.
Shaman 4 piece is also very strong for m+.
Now take those things into account - add in good defensives.
And the very powerful utility toolkit they already have that can be tailored to every dungeon and it’s no wonder they are strong.
I have a solution for everything.
I blame DPS like me. Heals should only need to heal the tank. DPS should be wearing big boy pants and choose life.
I choose death. Am I hitting the boss? if yes then keep doing so if no charge the boss. Is there an instant kill mechanic on the ground between me and the boss? if no charge the boss if yes charge the boss…
I’m fine with shamans having a bit of time in the sun to shine. Deities know they’ve not had the best representation in most content tiers as of late.
The wind will blow again and someone else will be on top and the usual “the devs hate shamans confirmed” nonsense/tripe will be back. Right now it’s resto druids turn to cry and for players to pretend a resto druid basically can’t heal or provided net negative heals or whatever spreadsheet dorks, mythic tryhard raiders, and/or e-famous streamers say these days.
they should be, but they aren’t. it’s hard not to conclude they want healers to be wildly unbalanced.
let’s be fair here. they said that more than a decade ago. design paradigms and goals change over time – not necessarily for the better, of course!
its actually pretty difficult to play disc well. its preplanning and you need to dps.
heals are pitiful out of combat and since we need to dps for heals, no one wanna
spend a radiance on the way to the mob without the dps from it bc its a waste lol.
Giving all Priests the Silence spell is one of those back-pocket, ace-up the sleeve moves blizzard is holding onto for when money flows in less than usual. Kind of how during the mass exodus blizz removed the target cap on aoe spells and included a whole host of other QOL fixes in that Q4 patch.
I agree…
I don’t even want to be S-Tier… I’m just tired of being at the bottom.
Give Priests some Utility or at least pump our HPS up a bit to compensate for the lack of it.
I think this is disingenuous.
There is one healer in a group. You would be unwise to not take the best one.
If they buff other healers too much - it will cause imbalance in other parts of the game. Same as if they nerf Rsham too much.
As an Rsham I am not sure if % changes will even have the impact that people think.
And it’s because the toolkit aligns too well with the dungeons. They will have to rework the dungeons or re-work shaman.
That being said Every healer is going 12+ keys. So it can be done.
I fear by the end of this season the rsham toolkit will be bludgeoned to death with nerfs. I can already see poison cleansing totem going bye bye
The best part is, people complained about using heals, dispels and cc for affixes, blizzard made affixes to completely negate that… people complained about it.
now we have healer affixes again, cc/interrupt affixes and one that paths weirdly at the worse times
Nearly every healer that is +12 key, has a Shaman of some variation in it. When I say nearly. Its like 90%.
A huge issue with most healers are the Poison DoTs – Healers without removal are forced to heal through it, ANY shaman can drop a totem. Boom done, 20-mil damage mitigated by a piece of shiny wood.
Seriously. We have health pools of 5-6mil – Poison is ticking for 500k+ on 5 people.
Thats a lot of Damage.