MASS reparations, like an insane amount. Multiple zones, gold, handing over the people even remotely connected to the events leading up to the burning of Teldrasill, and this is to name a few.
This is the safe option but not really that showing of how Horde have ‘changed’ because it’s more like paying a settlement to someone’s family after you strangled their children.
The Alliance for whatever reason(being mislead most likely) either purposefully or accidently get involved in the genocide of a Horde race similar to the burning of Teldrassil and the Horde go, “Well…ok we promise not to retaliate but we’re even now”.
This shows that the Horde aren’t hypocrites and when THEY are on the crappy end of the genocide stick they can move on.That they aren’t just seeking blind vengeance BUT and this is insanely important and this option breaks apart if ignored, the Alliance has to be completely in the wrong and it can’t be retaliation for something the Horde has done. It has to be the same weaksauce excuse for the invasion of Ashenvale in the ballpark of, “They might invade us someday” and yet a majority of the Alliance soldiers will find that a good enough reason.
Oh and another thing, the Alliance also continues to be at war with the Horde despite this atrocity they committed for like a year and finally agree to an end to the war when victory isn’t 100% guaranteed for them.
They need a new resource called uh… voidite and its on kalimdor, yea! then Alleria tells turalyon that the horde will use it as they did with the azerite, they void portal a mana nuke to orgrimmar, bam, instant genocide. Add a couple of details and you’re set for MoP 3, one more ride boys.
Firstly, Human Potential isn’t exclusive to WoW. It’s rather ubiquitous in fantasy and sci-fi.
Secondly, is the Alliance getting interesting internal conflict?
I don’t see it.
There are two points of contention within the Alliance that I can recall at the moment and both are infuriatingly contrived.
Tyrande & Anduin: It was just a little genocide. Let it go already.
Jaina vs Turalyon/Alleria: How dare you do what Anduin told you to, I’m telling Anduin.
Genn and Jaina were the biggest proponents for conflict but they’re both well adjusted individuals again that have had personal growth and now align with the let-bygones-be-bygones narrative.
I think setting up the Alliance as an unsympathetic or egregiously aggressive instigator to another war with the Horde is difficult with the way things stand right now.
Obviously, other players, regardless of character race or faction, would disagree with that sentiment.
I have to say, the Alliance thinking they can get a free ride on genocide is itself evil. And no, I don’t want to hear about how back the Horde is. Doing evil because someone else did evil is also evil.
Nobody has a right to commit evil and the belief that you do is evil.
I just switched from Horde because of the villain bat. I won’t want Blizzard making my character part of evil as Alliance.
That might be better directed at the person who claimed the Alliance should be able commit genocide and get a free ride.
I assumed it meant they should be able commit such an evil act and be considered evil.
I see nothing that makes it “necessary”. Nor would I consider someone who thinks genocide as “necessary” to be a good person. Evil often labels its acts as “necessary”. Just look at who has said that IRL.
I am arguing about warcraft, not irl, and from your comment i would imply you would wait passively for them to commit another genocide against an alliance race, i would rather not and i would say passive acceptance of that kind of evil is evil too and would decry you as evil if you really believe that.
I don’t like playing games were my character is forced to do things that a evil in real life. I don’t want my character to murder people because of their race.
Let’s remember genocide is not killing people because they are a threat to you. Its the killing of people because of their race. It’s just racist murder. That is why it is despised IRL.
I mean, I don’t buy the “we have to destroy the Horde” meme, but at least, if you just target the military, it isn’t murder. But genocide means killing innocents along with everyone else.
It is never “necessary” and it is never justified. The people who historically have claimed otherwise have been bad people. Your rationale is as bad as Sylvanas herself. She killed people because she thought it was “necessary”.
Commiting genocide against the Horde will not help the Alliance, and just make the situation worse.
But reparations should happen in some form. The horde deserves it for what they did, they are lucky there faction hasn’t been wiped out because of two genocidal warchiefs.
quote it on a dictionary so we can both know what do you mean by genocide, else we will never get anywhere.
Well we could subjugate the horde if it makes you feel more comftable.
Yea well i dont want to do it but they already tried twice if we count the modern horde only, i need to protect my people and we already tried extending the olive branch, you are EVIL for being able to do something, and choosing not to.
“if you kill your enemies, they win” gotcha, “if you do it you will be just like her” nah miss me with that, im already better since this is a complete selfless act, all she ever did after she suicided on saronite was to further her selfish agenda.
Again we already tried the nice way twice and you havent provided anything you just spew how evil is my point of view, how bad you feel or how bad am i so go ahead.
Thats not how it works. An atrocity can never be “justified” no matter what happened before it. Doesn’t matter what happened to you, killing civilians will always make you the bad guy that must be put down.
I’m not saying genocide will be ‘allowed’, obviously, like “hey Alliance you can choose one of our races to kill so we’re even”. What I’m saying is that for the Alliance and Horde to be on the same moral level after what the Horde has done, they would have to forgive the Alliance after an UNJUSTIFIED(by this I mean out of nowhere like the Invasion of Ashenvale, not in response to some bad act the Horde did) genocide (AND for the Alliance to not apologise and instead still go to war with the Horde for around a year and only call for peace when it suits them)to prove they aren’t hypocrites, because that is EXACTLY what the Horde did in BFA.
But reparations? How is that not allowed, and what do you mean now the war is over? That is exactly when reparations happen.
Oh another thing Horde need to do to make it up to the Alliance, allow the Alliance massive military presence in Kalimdor to help protect the NE/Draenei because the Horde are in the dog house and shouldn’t get a chance to ‘prove they have changed’ but instead be like, “Yeah, we don’t expect you to believe we won’t try and genocide you again after like 2 genocide attempts in the span of a decade, so you can actually have the presence to threaten us if we try and attack you”
You don’t have the slightest understanding of morality. The Horde is not fixed at being lvl 100 evil, and thus the claim that the Alliance wouldn’t reach their lvl of evil until they too commit genocide unrepentantly, is not true and is philosophically flawed. Those truly responsibly of the evil in the Horde have either left or died (Sylvanas, Saurfang, Gallywix). The people who are left are massively less responsible. And your flawed argument also doesn’t take into account the good things the horde has done, like save the world several times, which further reduces their “evil score”.
Finally, the fact that the Alliance continually causes their own problems by putting the horde into a spot where they have only two choices, war or poverty, must also be taken into consideration.