Why is Talanji angry with Jaina rather than Genn?

Sylvanas wasn’t responsible. It was the catapult operators that directly did it.


Horde hypocricy at its best hm?

If you do it it is ok, if others do it it is not. That is the problem with your whole player base and why you are you disgusting.

Then Jaina isn’t responsible, it was the alliance players.


Realistically yes.

But we don’t really exist in the novels, so she’s gotta blame someone else I guess.


Not blaiming you for the writing. But for the reaction to it. (Plural you)

I think that everyone who was there is responsible. Hands down.
They went to war. War is meant to kill people. If you invade another country, you do it to kill the inhabitants there.

So in both cases WoT as Zandalar, the people there were responsible. Hands down.
And I can completely understand Talanji wanting revenge on the Alliance, in that case mainly Humans and Fat-Humans as they were the big contributors, aswell as ever Leader who was also present.

Same treatment I hold against the Horde.
Every single Horde member who participated in WoT is directly responsible for Teldrassil and has to be brought to justice by a wardens glaive.


Well, as long as you’re consistent with both sides.

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You misunderstand my attitude. It isn’t that I don’t think the Horde deserves it. I just despise the fact the horde was put in that place and I know from past experience that Blizzard will never let the NEs do anything about it. Stressing over those things are a waste of time at this point.

I skipped BfA for the most part because I hated the writing. Shadowlands looks somewhat interesting to me so I am thinking of giving it a chance. However nothing they do now is going to make BfA any less of pile of crap and nothing they are going to do now is fix it. So I accept the Horde is a trashbag of hypocrisy and incompetence and will move on to enjoy the Shadowlands for what they are, hoping to see as little of the factions as possible.

If you chose to cling to the issue of Teldrassil, and the Horde pretty much getting let off the hook, then your just going to get angry and bitter over the entire expansion and frankly if that is the case your better off shelving WoW for now. The only value in playing games is if you are enjoying them. If they make you angry and unhappy they are literally the epitome of wasted time.


Then you are one of the very few.
I have seen the cheering and clapping and the “OLOL SCK IT NES!” from Hordeplayers sicne 3 years now after Blizzcon before BFA.
And after THAT behaviour that was the majority! I have no sympathy for the exact same people now complaining about them being the villians.

Granted there have been a FEW horde players who were as shocked and enraged about Teldrassil but these were like I said few. If you count yourself in there, be my guest.
But most do not.

I did exactly that to be honest.
I skipped the entirety of BFA, have not been subbed since 2 years now. Just recently resubbed for prepatch and only because of how they have portraited Tyrande against Nathanos and hiw she is shown in SLs currently.

  • Some very strong hints of regrow of Teldrassil …

BUT Blizzard is still on trial for me. I didn’t buy SL and won’t till 9.1 and only then if there is a strong hint in 9.1 that they address the NE problems. Else I will skip that expansion aswell.

Didn’t miss wow actually. It was far easier than to cope with the frustration, anger and hatred towards blizzard writers and the majority of Hordeplayers I still feel.

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Also, don’t Zandalar and Kul Tiras have a preexisting rivalry? Or did I get that wrong?

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Jaina: The tidesages will use the Abyssal Scepter to conceal our true intentions beneath a thick layer of mist. Meanwhile, the fleet will invade Dazar’alor from the south.

The Battle of Dazar’alor was certainly a collaborative effort, but she was directly responsible for the deception that brought the Zandalari forces out of the city to leave Rastakhan vulnerable, leading to his death.

Blizzard would never have the guts to kill Jaina off, so I expect Talanji’s vengeance will have to take another form, if at all. I think it would be a nice touch if Talanji killed Katherine Proudmoore while Jaina’s off in the Shadowlands and for Jaina to discover her mother’s soul in the Maw. Is a Katherine Proudmoore equal to a Rastakhan? No, but she’ll have to do.


That’s assuming that Talanji was even aware of Genn being there. Furthermore Jaina was not only the leader of the invasion but had a dramatic stare off with Nathanos. So even if Talanji wanted to blame Jaina because she led the invasion, Nathanos could have used those ill feelings to help make Talanji focus on Jaina as the target of her vengeance desires.


Not at all. Many Horde players myself included stated multiple times how bad we find the writing of BfA and that this “out” fells to easy.


Noo, please, I’m so sick of “Jaina is sad because the Horde hurt her” cinematics and novels!


As we all are! As sick of that as I am, it would be even worse if Talanji never receives even a partial measure toward vengeance considering that Blizzard would never kill off her target, Jaina the golden child, however deserving of death Jaina may be.


While true, I don’t really see Talanji as someone who would revel in petty revenge such as killing Jaina’s mother just to make her sad. And quite honestly I would think less of her if she did.


Also remember that Jaina was the last and biggest obstacle in Talanji’s path to freedom from her imprisonment in Stormwind in the Stormwind Extraction scenario.


You know what bugs me?

They made such a big deal about Mages abusing magic in Wrath that Malygos went crazy.

There was sort of this implication that magic should be better regulated… and then Jaina shows up making arcane ships willy-nilly for fun and Deus Ex-ing her way through everything.


Because Jaina is the front and center figure of the Alliance assault.

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Intercontinental catapults that burn a mountain in 2 seconds.
You have no right to complain.


I’ve swum from Darkshore to Teldrassil… it’s not that far away. And… magic.

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