Why is stoneform/fireblood have a CD with trink?

the gnome racial doesn’t have a CD with trink and has a shorter cooldown (1 min vs 2 min). shadowmeld can prevent CC and doesn’t have a trinket lockout. stoneform/fireblood only removes spriest silence and handful of magical roots in terms of CC. why is it necessary to have a 30 sec CD with pvp trinket? kinda prevents fireblood from being used as a burst enhancer.

niche complaint, to be sure. but i don’t understand the logic. aside from spriest silence, nobody is going to be using their trinket to break a magical snare.

every healer under the sun that could rerolled dwarf when it was buffed. being able to trinket freely and still have a reserve to remove silence is really strong. esp when godcomp was really popular, which it was.

Also being able to trinket and remove garrote, which was baseline at the time, etc.

i’m sure there’s other uses.

not to mention it was access to a separate dispel for self. since dispel has a cd.

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only removes spriest silence and handful of magical roots in terms of cc

i mean that’s a pretty big deal

also removes mally/claw/bleeds/poisons/diseases and gives dmg reduction whereas gnome racial simply removes 1 root or immobilize

pretty big difference between the two in terms of power

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not really reflected in the racial breakdowns on the bracket. pretty sure most people in bfa rerolled dwarf because stoneform broke maledict, not specifically for spriest silence. though, to be reasonable, spriests are looking to be more prevalent in slands.

You can’t trink and remove garrote. Trinket prevents you from being able to cast stoneform. unless you remove the garrote 30 sec after the trink.

there aren’t many benefits to physical dam reduction these days, but i’m not saying the gnome racial is better. i just don’t understand why it doesn’t share a trink CD like stoneform does, or why stoneform needs a 30 sec trink lockout.

Fun was detected. They need to unerf all racials that share CDs with Trinkets.

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the change was in 2014 dude. then nerfed in 2015. I didn’t mean today’s meta. You asked why stoneform shares a CD. Not why people are or are not currently playing dwarf.

You could before the change. Which is why I mentioned it.

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.1.0 (2015-02-24): When used, now triggers a 30-second shared cooldown with other PvP trinkets that breaks crowd-control effects.

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Now also removes magic and curse effects in addition to poison, disease, bleed effects, and reduces physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds (down from all damage taken). It remains unusable while the dwarf is under the effects of crowd control.

again because it removes powerful abilities

being able to stoneform things like spriest silence or vendetta bleeds is extremely powerful. there needs to be some sort of opportunity cost

your comparison to escape artist is poor because they’re not even close in terms of power

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fair enough. i guess i just wished i could use fireblood as an offensive on my ret pally. i mean, i still can, if i macro it to wings or something, but usually the cc comes when wings come. so fireblood’s offensive utility is kinda wasted and kinda defeats the purpose of a dps-dwarf

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personally i’m an advocate for no racials in arena whatsoever, it gets old seeing only humans nelves or orcs every game because their racials are so powerful relative to everything else

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Yeah it’s definitely limiting. Unfortunate for a fun racial. That being said it’s only 30 seconds, so you can just save it for after you trinket and then pump with it.

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at the very least they could make more racials viable. i know, i know, you can do well with every race (worgens ftw) but if we’re talking about BIS, humans and orcs are the default arena races. their racials are just unrivaled.

that being said, i guess i should be grateful that stoneform is more useful than the worgen and dranei racial…

I looked at Draenei earlier and i was like “wow 20% heal that’s really nice!” then I remembered crimson vial literally exists on a 30 second cd.

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yea dwarf is actually pretty sleeper it’s just overshadowed by human. a lot of players played dwarf in tournies this year for the sole reason of removing mally when mally was super meta

i can’t help but feel like some fun gamecrafting could be done with other/new races if humans and orcs weren’t the defaults. kultirans have some interesting racials, but why go KT when you can go human (or nelf for druid)? why roll maghar when orc is so good?

probably not important in the scheme of things, but humans and orcs could use a rework to the strength of their racials imo

My horde warrior is an instant value gnome, take a guess

avatar escape artist both off globe op

I was super excited for Maghar, becuase I wondered what new and powerful racial they would bring in to compete the superiority of orcs. What would the original, untained by demon blood, pure race of orcs look like?

Lmao RNG on-use secondary stats. Bottom of the bargain bin deathbringers will.

maghar orc is biiiiiiiiiiiig xd