Why is restaurant quality gone down and prices gone up

through out the pass year I have barely ordered out for multiple reasons, but today I really felt like eating pizza. I usually get it from this one place and I ordered through uber eats…price with tax/tip came to $51. What did I order? One large Greek Pizza, 1 large onion rings(wasn’t that big) and some dipping sauces…
LIKE WHAT THE HECK…I got ripped off, I shouldn’t have ordered it but was so hungry I wasn’t thinking…on top of that the food was mediocre and usually that place is good.

I’ve had this experience a couple times in recent days. My sister came over the other day and bought us food from another place I really like and THEIR quality has gone completely down hill too…

what a joke…I’m glad I learned how to cook during this time, I’m just going to stick with that

I’m not sure… I know why prices went up…
A lot of businesses have raised them to compensate for lost revenue during this time which doesn’t help that much but it’s what they can do. Be wary of price gouges.

Also for those ordering through places like doordash or ubereats, you might end up paying almost double for said item.

Quality wise I have not had the same experience here with the places I’d usually go to eat at… maybe bring that up with the owners there, could be just a lack of quality control… who knows.

That’s the best thing, good for you.
I’ve known how to cook for a long time and perfected a lot of dishes. It’s been my go to instead of ordering out (sometimes I’ll order out due to reasons and you start to really pick up on the lack of quality in a lot of places lol).

I was working in the restaurant bizz until April. I got out. There are a lot of reasons. The food industry sucks to work in right now:

  1. Moral in the food industry is really low. A lot of people are overworked and underpaid. But there’s another problem - in the past year, people going out to eat have been treating restaurant workers a lot worse. It started getting really bad around February of this year. Before February, in 15 years I had gotten yelled at maybe twice ever. By the end of April when I quit I was getting yelled at twice a day for stuff I was neither responsible for nor had control over.
  2. Restaurants are having trouble hiring new people. There’s a massive labor shortage right now because people would rather sit at home and collet their unemployment than go out and work.
  3. Restaurant workers have to put up with a lot of restrictions right now. Imagine working in a kitchen that can reach 110 degrees during a rush and now you have to wear PPE that just about makes you faint. That’s just one example…

There are a few reasons for this. One, the driver needs to make money. The tip isn’t enough in itself. In order to make sure the driver (and the company the driver is working for - Grubhub, uber eats, door dash, post mates, etc.) makes money the food gets marked up like 10%. Number two, because the restaurant is probably hurting and had to raise prices just to stay open. Number three is inflation. In the past 4 months inflation has been out of hand, and it’s going to keep getting worse.


inflation that’s what happen.

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I hope things go back to normal soon.

Atm, restaurants are having to settle with whomever applies for a job and pay more for food because the company they’re buying supplies from are also dealing with employee shortages and settling.

However, states are starting to shut off unemployment and I think a week or so ago, the eviction moratorium ended. So now people can’t get unemployment for sitting at home and live rent free.*

*Btw, I’m not against either of those programs, some people didn’t have a choice, but it’s not something that should last forever.

I’ve heard this from a number of people in the industry. It sounds like all the good customers just disappeared with walking crapbag types who go nuclear over the stupidest things taking their place.

I don’t blame you for quitting, nobody should have to deal with that. If I were running a restaurant I’d sooner go out of business than let such customers abuse my employees.

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I have another point of view. Maybe these customers are not “crapbags” but they’re just fed up. The service has taken a complete nose dive and people are tired of it.

I’m feel bad for Sienge if he’s truly innocent but he needs to blame his coworkers and other people in this industry that are treating customers like crap because they can get away with this behavior by saying “lol covid!”

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I dunno. In my limited excursions in the past few months, quality of service was no different than usual. The only thing that differed was mask requirements or outdoor dining. If that requirement is what’s upsetting customers, they should just take their business elsewhere instead of abusing people who need to work 3 jobs to keep the boat floating. In any situation punching down is thoroughly classless.

Well, my husband and I have been going out a lot during this pandemic because we’ve been working from home this entire time and I have seen change in both customers and the employees.

Employees don’t care because restaurants don’t have other people to hire and a lot of smaller restaurants didn’t make it through the pandemic so choices were limited.

Customers are getting short tempered because of the way they are being treated. I’ll give you an example:

My husband and I frequent a bar in our little town and it was the only one that made it through this pandemic. Right next door is a Little Caesar’s. I love getting breadsticks but since the pandemic I have not had a good experience with them. One day I went in there and bought breadsticks. I opened the bag and they are stone cold and covered in gummy butter. I bring them back and say “could I please get another? These are cold and uncooked.” This b behind the counter gave me a defiant look and the “lol covid” answer. I said “ok that’s fine I understand but I still want cooked breadsticks.” Then she acted like I kicked her dog as she gave me a new bag. I walk back over to the bar, sit down, and once again put my hand on stone cold, gummy breadsticks. I go back and say “Look you gave me uncooked breadsticks again, can you PLEASE give me some cooked ones?” They handed me another bag, I open it right there in the lobby, then I threw the stone cold, gummy breadsticks across the counter and yelled at them to give me a refund.

Was my attitude uncalled for? Yep. Could I have acted better? Yep. Do I regret the what I did? Not even a little bit.

p.s. I’m not basing my opinion on this one incident. The Little Caesar’s thing was just the most recent.


Restaurant quality is great depending on the restaurant.

Uber eats is take out.

Prices are higher in fast food, and it’s always been crap food anyway. Fills a gap but that’s it.

Restaurants seem to be charging about the same as always.

Nope. You are 100% wrong on this. Where I worked had 0% turnover and a lot of very good people. And some of the crap I was getting yelled at was completely crap. Here in Colorado restaurants were required to take names and phone numbers in case someone came in and tested positive. If that happened, we could contact people who were in around that same time to let them know. I was getting yelled at on a daily basis for asking for phone numbers. People hadn’t even been served yet and I was getting yelled at for it. The quality of service where I worked - and many places - actually hasn’t suffered.

That sucks you’ve had experiences like that, but that sort of crap was going on before covid, too. And I’ve gone out to eat many times in the past 6 months and haven’t had a single issue. But I’ve still seen customer’s treating workers like absolute garbage.

Edit: Yes I realize the quality of some places has absolutely gone down, but the point I’m trying to make is the way workers have been treated in the past 6 months isn’t tied to quality of service. Good service is still being met out with crappy treatment far more often than it used to.



in EU, greek large 42 CM pica , 9.80EUR, + 2-3 EUR delivery to home and 10% tip, so yeah…cant imagine you paying 51 USD for this lol.

CAD actually

How long have you lived on this planet? It’s been this way since dinosaurs roamed the earth… not sure where you have been.

Quality goes down, prices go up, until the restaurant prices themselves out of the market, they go out of business. lather, rinse repeat…

every major chain has gone out of business for that exact reason… it’s how it works… they try to introduce new items, that causes food waste, lost revenue and wasteful advertising which costs even more money, they fail, try a different ad compain until it’s no longer sustainable and voila… bankrupt.

Don’t know why this seems a recent concept because it DEFINITELY is not. Go research ‘failed restaurant’ on google. Now find out why they went under… they all have the same common theme…

poor management, lack of financial spending constraint, and no reasonable menu items… they try to do everything. Keep it simple, do a few things right stay in business… it’s extremely simple, but no one seems to understand it.

IF you have steakhouse why are you trying to do seafood, chicken, salads, and a new Mexican style items made by Americans without no concept of international cuisine and you expect to be profitable? LOL.

Look the existing restaurant chains that are thriving not just barely hanging on like Red Lobster and Cheesecake factory…

I am convinced that the rest of the restaurants that have lousy customer service and are still managing to stay alive are just money laundering centers…

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Everything you said is 100% accurate. Well stated!

well these restaurants that I mentioned, I’ve been going to them for 20+ years and NEVER had a problem with them…not once…The pandemic really did a number on these places

The nerve of you ordering COOKED food from a restaurant… WTF is wrong with you?

Why would you expect food to be COOKED at a restaurant with ovens and such… that’s just absurd.

You want them serve AND work at the same time? LOL


Well it might be worth noting that pre-covid and the aftermath are VERY different… we had different expectations before… NOW… we are all anxious for things to BE normal that when they are the slightest difference we get crazy… so I think you are looking at days gone by with rose colored glasses… if you take an honest look at people I think you will actually see there IS no difference then and now it’s all about expectations.

The news media and opinions have us all on edge… so we question and disbelieve everything. I think that you are just more aware than before, it’s not really different. YOU have different way of looking at things as do we all.

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yea good point…my expectations of these places were high because they never disappointed, they always delivered on high quality great tasting food and service. Now it seems like they don’t even care if they go out of business

You’re probably right, I guess I thought that after 20 years of going to my favorite places that this pandemic shouldn’t affect them. I anticipated that restaurants would do better actually but in my town the government had to bail out small businesses/restaurants because people were so scared to even leave the house.

Right but there is a difference a noticeable one in the quality anyway…can’t say much about the service itself that’s hard to gauge when you’re taking out. But no there actually is a HUGE difference in the quality for sure and I know it’s because they’re struggling and are cutting corners…it’s unfortunate. After life gets back to normal I’ll give them another shot

I actually avoid the news as much as possible for reasons that I’d rather not share so my decisions are based on my own personal thoughts/feelings and experiences

Yep. Biden is throwing away money willy nilly and we’re the poor sob’s who have to deal with it.

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