Why is random heroics giving me Shadowlands and BFA dungeons instead of TWW dungeons?

There’s an option to select specific dungeons instead of the default random heroic dungeons.

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The irony is that Blizzard can’t win on both sides here since they had to pick a path. Either they refresh or reuse existing dungeons per season to keep the dungeon pool from becoming stagnant (like in Legion, or BFA, or pre-s4 SL) and get crap from people for reusing content, or they just use the base dungeon pool through the entire expansion and get crap from people for the same dungeons being used through the entire expansion.

For what it’s worth, I think they made the right choice on going half and half with new and retooled or reused dungeons for M+. You’ll see the other four dungeons not being used this season in the next season. You’re arguably getting more for your expansion fee and sub money since they aren’t just sitting on the same dungeons every season for an entire expansion now.

You can practice the current season’s worth of dungeons. That’s all.
But if you want to do the TWW dungeons not in rotation, queue for normal dungeons instead.

You can only do ‘em on normal, which between Normal and Heroic … that’s the same thing. Just higher ilvl stuff. And if you want the higher ilvl stuff, ya’ gotta participate in the current season’s dungeons.

The downside is that that TWW heroics doesn’t include all TWW dungeons. But the upside is that you have a sensible gear progression to then get into M0s. Which is how they seem to have designed Heroics and M0 to play off of each others.

If you don’t care for the gear, then do the dungeons on normal.
That’s all.

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I really dislike this change as well. I’m already forced to not get to play the new dungeons with how Mythics work, and now you don’t get to do them with Heroics.

This might be a halfway decent idea if folks didn’t just crush heroics anyway. You’re not learning them well enough to be ready for Mythic+

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Yeah spending 5 minutes on the heroic fight at the Necrotic Wake because I’m the ONLY person that knows your suppose to get the abominations to pull the boss down from the ledge is -really- fun. (And you know, not getting targeted, because either A: They just burn the abomination down and don’t let it kill stuff, or B they get in the way of the hook)

Something I really missed from shadowlands…

Feels like they purposely choose most of the worst / annoying old content dungeons to revive.


Can’t you just select the que for non season 1 dungeons?

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there isnt.

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Blizz needs to add another option to the drop down of just “Heroic TWW Dungeons.” Then the mythic dungeon track players can go learn the old, annoying dungeons by picking the Season 1 option, and everyone else can jump in the queue for just the new dungeons.

Simple fix, but I doubt they’ll bother with it. For as much as they like to talk about letting players play how they want lately, they seem to have a hard time breaking old habits.

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Go back and play Shadowlands!

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Back in Dragonflight I wondered why they didn’t do Grim Batol since it’s a dragon dungeon, I guess they were saving it because it’s also a dwarf dungeon. it’s like somehow they knew there would be a dwarf expansion soon, crazy stuff


I want classic wow and tbc dungeons mythic that would be dope

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Because they’re part of the season 1 dungeon pool.

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Because silly business.

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You are.

They didn’t just ‘slap’ an old dungeon in, they updated its mechanics, many of its visuals, and brought it to modern parity for use in M+.


its all that just talk.

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Really? Because I did both the Necrotic Wake and the Siege of Bore-las and they were EXACTLY the same as they were back then. Including with people having no idea how to do mechanics.

Was quite the fully immersive throwback to era’s of wow I was not a fan of.

I see no updates in these dungeons.

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Admittedly I’m not sure if Wake has any updates. Siege and Mists both do though, visually and tuning wise. They even edited some boss mechanics, like the waves on second to last boss of Siege.

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I genuinely did not feel any difference in either the Necrotic Wake or the Siege Fights.

I haven’t gotten the Mists yet, I’ve done 3 heroics and got Necrotic Wake, Siege and ONE TWW dungeon, getting two old dungeons back to back made me fed up with the system, especially after I learned Grim Batol is possible in the rotation. I’d rather take a 30 minute leaver debuff and go farm herbs than ever step hoof in Grim Batol again.

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I’ll take the new Batol over Siege any day.

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That’s your personal opinion and you are welcome to it.

I’d also like an option to random heroic all the TWW without any of the old content in it.

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