Just some questions I have for why things are the way they are, and what may change in 10.0 for PVP, relatively new returning to the game after some years:
Why are there 2 currencies for pvp? Why couldn’t honor be the sole currency, and simply given more as a reward for doing rated content, and less for doing unrated content?
Why do we need to upgrade the gear? And conquest is locked behind a time gate? I assume to prevent people from farming too much during beginning of season? What is the counter-argument to one piece of gear costing 3k honor and able to be obtained doing a variety of pvp game modes, both rated and unrated?
Why is the ilvl gap so distorted in a single expansion? The pvp ilvl gap in shadowlands has gone from 155-285 (roughly 20k hp to 85k)? Instead of reducing farming behind time gate, just make the gear parity closer?
Why is rated arena almost required to not get stomped in BG’s? If I could just farm battlegrounds at 70% honor farm efficiency and still compete, I would do so. Why does blizzard want participation in this game mode? Is it because participation is down due to losing subscribers?
Just trying to understand the reason for the why. Pretty frustrating as an alt/newer player to the game. These are obviously questions only blizzard devs could answer, but from your opinion why have they done this?
Honor gear is kind of a waste of time, if you want to gear just do really low CR 2s or yolo rbgs till you get all the conquest gear you can. I don’t know why honor gear is in the game.
Ilvl matters but not as much as you would think, I’ve gotten several alts that were sub 260 ilvl 1800 pretty effortlessly.
INB4 UR A HIGH XP PLAYER THAT MAKES SENSE! Yes, I’m a high xp player. You either need skill or gear, if you have neither you’ll never climb. There seems to be a misconception that you’re just given rating and gear in pvp. It’s bizarre to me
Random bgs is a mmrless free for all where everyone who pvps joins. Of course out of 20 players there will be a few geared ones. WoW has always been like this. You get owned till you get gear, then you can take care of yourself if you don’t have skill.
I really do wish they would lower the requirements for upgrading your gear. Unless you’re with a group of friends who can help you gear, it’s really painful
Thanks for the reply. Has it recently been like this for gear disparity in a single expansion? Legion, BFA, SL? I recall in TBC I had season 2/3 gear but could still easily win vs S4 geared players as I was gearing up. It’s pretty crazy I had 10k hp at level 50 and as soon as I hit 60 I got the 226 gear from ZM and went to like 44k and thats still about half the HP of top gear right now. I’m not opposed to the grind but the grind is painful. I don’t see how new players stick around.
Previous expansions they’ve had both what they have now and templates. This is better than templates. When templates are in the game you cannot customize your character at all. I play all my characters weird unique off meta builds (just look at my priests stat prio and talents,) and I do great. I would much rather have a weekend of struggle then be able to play the game how I want. Then be forced to do it like everyone else.
Good news is it’s BG and Comp Stomp (the brawl) week tomorrow
! You can play AB vs bots and gear VERY quickly. Games are about 3-5 minutes and award 50% more honor. I suggest farming some low cr 2s, and yolo rbgs to have SUPER easy upgrades this upcoming week.
nobody would play this game without a gear gap.
People just want a reward for attaining a higher rating. The best reward is more power. IMO would be cool to see some more weapon skins or mounts as you progress through rating but gear has always seemed to work.
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60 is the most gatekept bracket of all and makes zero sense.
lose games until you can buy gear to get stronger but cant upgrade it all the way unless you play rated?
and people complain about twinks who gear up before we pvp lol.
i guess the carrot on a stick never was removed.
i didn’t know you could troll with truth.
its great and fun if you have the time to make both leggos and do stupid arenas but most of the playerbase JUST want to pvp. no dailies. no losing games until geared(stupid). log on. pvp.
I have full S2 on my rogue in TBC and do just fine. I still have to upgrade the honor gear on this character, but so far I die really fast. It definitely feels like resilience works better than versatility when comparing the 2 games.
This isn’t TBC this is shadowlands. TBC is a much slower game
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Gear power through item levels vs complex intelligent builds (stats, talents) are separate things. We play a game where the masses gravitate to cookie cutter play until someone who thinks outside the box lets others know what could actually work.
(nerfs incoming lol) Sadly there are not many options, lets be frank here.
Two basic choices of slots per PVP set… M+ could work but at a loss.
They learned from us. That separation at the start of BFA was due to activity which directly took shine away from the new investment at end game. Period.
Which pushed time played metrics, Token sales. Shareholders in mind.
Shadowlands it was really personified, promoted even. Very clear to see, now for sure.
Players that just play the game are not the ideal customer profile anymore.
That original vison/dream of creating a game which customers would pay a monthly fee is long gone.
Yeah, and that’s the problem. When everyone is running around with double legendaries you’re going to have crazy burst. If versatility worked more like resilience SL PvP would be a lot better.
The purpose of the gear gap is to reward a tiny number of players by turning bgs into a currency dispenser where they can farm what is the easiest content in the game to get the best gear in the game.
The people who used to do unrated bgs for entertainment, which was half of the player population in wrath, no longer have a place in PvP, unless they want to sacrifice themselves for people like tidepod. And that’s why so many have left the game.
Devs are doubling down again on gear ranks. I think that at some time prior to the next expansion they will again announce a gearing system like in wod, and again implement something that doesn’t remotely resemble wod gearing. But surely if they keep doubling down on a PvP gearing system that was rejected in the past by devs who said it was bad for the game, it will turn around all by itself and inspire millions of casuals who have left to return!
Actually no. There was only one expansion with templates. And devs of the past rejected rank locked gear as bad for PvP, which participation numbers now confirm.
If you want to play BC, play BC
believe it or not we had to talk them down from 4. they wanted rated honor and rated conquest as sperate currencies.
some or multiple devs at blizzard who do not pvp believe we need a gear progression system to keep players playing like they do in pve. they also refuse to admit they are wrong about it.
nope, its to keep PVE players from feeling obligated to pvp to gear faster than they would if they obtained gear from PVE.
blizzard thinks we dont want a fun balanced game, but a chaotic one where a few players get to lord over others.
RBG players were complaining at the end of BfA about the lack of participation, so in order to increase participation in rated, they made it so the gear can only be upgraded from rated pvp, and the vault only offers rewards if you play rated pvp. the result is that a lot of players played rated, and now stomp when they go back to their normal content.
bfa had scaling, templates were only legion
There is hardly a difference between the two.
well, now we all know you never played before yesterday.
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