Why is pvp so bad?

Brands New dungeons and time walking dungeon that never that M+ difficulty before , no mention of pvp content

Raids is part of pve, m+ as well .

if you are going to compare pve to pvp, then yes it is mini game . Splitting off different categories of pve to make it sound like pvp is not mini game does not help

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PvP content =/= new battlegrounds necessarily. While those are nice, we care more about balance. Which they have already begun talking about.

M+ and Raids are absolutely difference forms of content, even if they are both PvE. They require different content and different balancing. None turn another form of content into a “minigame”. A minigame would be something that does not provide gear or direct character progression, such as pet battles.

But you know that (probably, I realize I shouldn’t overestimate people in this forum).

My ideas to help fix PvP

Gearing: Have professions make PvP gear, say 15 item levels less than honor gear, which can be also crafted with say 5 marks of honor to catch up those 15 item levels. Marks of honor is now earned after every battleground regardless of victory or defeat.

Battleground que system: Put them into catagories: CTF, King of the Hill, Control and defend, Extermination, Oddball, and what ever. Then have them based on size: Small team, Average team, Large team. Have an option for que all (quickest way to get into what ever). Then have that one random event that changes weekly or ever the brawl thing.

Add more battlegrounds, rewards, balance fixes mid season, solo rbg que, mercenary mode more available and incentivized.

Have PvP mentors that will be in the pvp halls that will help players how to play their class and fight others. Give pvp mentors incentives to be pvp mentors. Community voting polls for what works and what doesn’t. UI pvp interface fixes, more immersion like having leaders shout out things and voice lines. Tools to make pugs more cooperative.

The list goes on and is possible!

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not watching the interviews then.

10.0 is supposed to have pvp gear that has two brackets. honor gear auto scales to heroic ilvl in instanced pvp and conquest scales to Mythic ilvl in instanced pvp.
rating based leveling up the gear is only for the pve ilvl

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Shouldn’t engage the low quality troll. There’s this weird subsect of cantankerous trolls that spend their free time dwelling in GD obsessively hating anything related to PvP. It’s best not to lower yourself to speak to them.

Pet battles is part of both pve and pvp . The pvp part of it definitely mirrors pvp as a whole state.

You can say the same thing to Bgs and arenas but no that wouldn’t help your point would it :rofl:

Again splitting contents of PVE apart based on whatever category your chose does not excuse how blizzard treats pvp as mini game

Nope a mini game is an addon to a game that the company treats as a side project and gives it hardly any attention. It nothing to do with gear, progression or type of content . You can have progression in a mini game like adding tetris here with levels that rewards gear :rofl:

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I am far from being a great pvper, but thats what i enjoy the most in wow.

In the last month ive gotten 4 characters from 1 to 60, equipped them with double 291 legendaries (started with unity belt until few days ago) and gotten full honor set with some conq gear mixed in, and this rogue is full conq gear. 30 days.

You guys just dont have the willpower to do it. And thats fine, but its absolutely easy and quick. Once you hit lvl60, do all pvp quests and thats half of your honor gear plus 1 conq piece.

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for epics like WG this is why I pray for defence if undergeared.

If defence is undergeared…its a 4 minute match. other steam rolls SR, gets score for demo’s, walls down and we are done. 4 minutes…at least a quick death.

its on offence being undergeared side sucks. even all towers down…that is 14 minutes of hell (factoring in time for convoys to kill them).

We have at least 12 months of waiting before DB releases with this crappy pvp-upgrade gearing system.

They already acknowledge that the current system is bad for pvp, so why not change it for S4? 9.2.5, sigh…


I agree, the sooner the better

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