Why is no one talking about work orders being garbage?

As a jeweler all I see are requests for epic gems and rings, most of which I don’t have, yet. On the flip side I saved a lot of gold by getting my Jeweler accessories via orders.

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Gunna be honest, its still a very new system. No one wants BoEs that are on the AH for less than 50g a pop ATM. The market is flooded with worthless crafter made stuff.

Wait till we get into the raiding stuff, where all the BOP recipes start coming into play.

Even then, I’ve heard most people who are in guilds are just doing guild work orders. I cannot blame them there. I am going to help fund a friend over some random nobody with public orders.

I’ve recrafted some to advance crafting.

Could you guide me on how to do this? I’m looking all over the Work Order UI, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Ranks in public orders was stripped out in Beta, you can only put Rank requests in Guild and private orders.

It is just one more reason the public Work order system is basically DOA.


Thank you for clarifying!

I thought there was something missing holy balls you’re right.

I saw one order, once. I was noodling around in the Work Order pane and I was clicking through every single unlearned recipe in my list, and there was a public order (for something I haven’t learned yet).

I am not sure if I’m misunderstanding how to view/use work orders, because it doesn’t seem functional to have to manually click through every recipe one at a time, to see if there are available orders for any of them.


I like the word order system. I’ve already used it quite a bit.

I think once people get over the learning curve and adjust to the new normal, it’ll be just fine.

I couldnt find any craftable anything for alchemy to put work orders in for …I have to go to the ah to get pots or flasks…imo these items should also be on the work order request tables…


Alchemists can make phials that assist in gathering but for some stupid reason they are BoP, likely to leash you into using the work order system.

The only other thing I can think of that comes to mind outside of our Alchemist Stones is the Ultimate Potion of Elemental Power. Why we cannot take work orders for the more useful and common phials is anyone’s guess.


I put up a work order for something, it has sat two days, the item is on the AH for sale. I do not have the 80k they want for the item, but I provided all the mats, and a tip, so why not fulfill the order, might I add, on a low pop server…I provided all of the mats, why not do the work order? It’s free gold and a possible skill point…Because they want the 80k gold? that’s just greed.


probably because they put in the work and gold to get that recipe and you didn’t?

I put work and gold into getting the mats for that item…I do not do LW, hence the reason for work orders in the first place is it not?

If I want to spend 80k on one item, I will level it myself.


Just for the sake of conversation, how big was the tip you put?

And was this a public work order (in which case the crafter with the recipe might just not be into work orders, and not looking), or an unsolicited personal work order (which might be seen as presumptuous by the crafter)?

It was public, it was 500g and I provided all mats, and I am on one of the lowest pop servers there is (Eitrigg)


Blizzard should have just made crafted items BoE.


I have a leatherworker on Etrigg. What item were you requesting? I check the work orders multiple times a day and always craft whatever I have the recipes for. The knowledge system is a freaking nightmare to try and unlock recipes. I wasted a lot of points early on because I had zero idea what I was doing.

So sadly there’s quite a few LW orders sitting there that I can’t help with because I haven’t unlocked the recipe through knowledge or rep. I’m pretty advanced in rep and I never leave a world quest or daily…and I’m still 1-2 ranks away from unlocking the renown recipes :confused:


Finished prototype regal barding

You need to get 29 Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr to learn that recipe which is an insane grind to get to this early in the expansion. There are only 13 up on the entire US AH and likely only 1 or 2 people who can make it. Don’t expect anyone on your realm to get it for a while and especially not who will make it for you for 500g.