Why is no one talking about SWTOR

I wasn’t around first thing after it went free to play, but literally all you pay is a $15 sub and you get everything including current content. Granted it’s not updated as often, but how many people here are more than happy to pay a base price every few years in addition to their sub here to a company that still can’t even balance covenants?

Lucas killed Star Wars long before Disney got it.

The prequels weren’t great.

But man the sequels took a massive nose dive and fast.

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Nah the prequels weren’t nowhere near as bad as the new trilogy. I loved Hayden Christensen as Anakin, especially in Episode III. The moment in Episode II where Yoda drew his lightsaber was the first time ive ever experienced an audience all cheer in unison over how hype the moment was.

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The prequels gave us some great music!

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Honestly, the light saber fights in Phantom and Revenge are the only reasons I ever watch those movies now lol.

And John Williams is amazing.

With that said though, this is all I ever hear:


Great, I didn’t need that in my head lol…

Time to wash it out with my favorite :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will always think of SWTOR as the great single player game that was destroyed by EA trying to cash in on MMOs.

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I almost felt the same way.

Until I did the raids. Those things are legit.

I always took it as losing KOTOR 3 in favor of a MMO.

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Best villainous theme ever.

It was quite fun to play in the school band. We also played it as a joke during the practice graduation. :stuck_out_tongue:

If that doesn’t work there is always this…

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And of course:


They took a swing on story driven replay-ability. It was a good thought, but the lack of foresight on end-game stickiness created a sieve.

Too hard to turn that ship around when there were other games to test out at the time, needed a bigger hook.

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I mean, everyone knew EA was going to ruin it before they every launched swtor.

Yep. The big money MMOs that were failing left and right should have been a warning sign. Particularly Age of Conan since that game was also voice acted. Combined with the fact the engine they were building the game on wasn’t conducive to an MMO, they should have switched gears and went Single player with Multiplayer capability.

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Thing about SWTOR, the vanilla story is great, as in, to me at least, maybe as good or better than the majority of SW stories outside the first 3 (IV, V, VI).

Then you hit the expansions and it starts feeling more like the prequels, then it feels more like the spinoffs and reboots, and then I just didn’t care. Infinite Emperor or whoever he is bored the ever loving heck out of me.

The game is like a frayed look at the internals of a dying genre now. I can’t get into it at this point, but I did play it for awhile in the past (enough to buy an out of production authenticator fob on ebay).

All I can really say is that it started out strong but got progressively cornier and shadier as the expansions kept coming. Kind of like SW in general now that I think of it. I might play a new Star Wars MMO should they ever deign to make one, but based on sheer fatigue with all the new stuff disney pumps and dumps I can’t even be bothered to watch the mandalorian despite the fact it appears to be almost watchable.

I’m just tired of the star wars sandbox I guess, it really isn’t that big, even thinking back to the originals I only really liked them because I was young and they were relatively different for their era. Now it’s all been done, yet it’ll never end. SWTOR will, but SW in general will be thrown down every generation’s throat from now until the end of time. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.

The prequels had a lot of potential (some of which was missed) and some great moments.

The sequels . . . Force Awakened started off great (though, “Death Star 3” was kinda lame) but they threw it all away, bit by bit over the next two movies.

In my head, the Timothy Zahn books are what follows RotJ. Grand Admiral Thrawn’s trillogy.

Screw Disney lol.

“But . . . it was so artistically done . . .”

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