Fantasy land where over dependence on magic leads to technological stagnation beats sci-fi land where FTL still doesn’t eliminate a scarcity based economy.
If you have any form of FTL technology scarcity no longer exists and it’s very difficult for artists who live in a scarcity based economy to imagine sources of drama in a society where scarcity no exists because most of our drama comes from “You have the thing. I want the thing. I harm you to get the thing.”
Tbf SWTOR is more of a traditional theme park MMO that has more focus on the story.
SWG is more of a freeform sandbox. Both have their merits
Star wars is a bad game that’s why
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the story was fun the first time through pre any expansion before the game became free to play i played a sith sorceror and a sith warrior both sith purebloods.
Thats because Star Wars was never meant to be that deep. Just space wizards, laser swords, and ww2esque naval space ship battles.
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I remember trying SW:Galaxies. I remember being incapacitated and slowly gummed to death by a large toad that my blaster was apparently too tough for. As I lay there, unable to move while the beast gently licked me to death for what was probably over a full minute, I knew that it wasn’t the game for me.
because after i bought the box and paid for three months they went free, the day after they asked me to rebuy my hot bars and all my characters were greyed out i had to pay to access those slots now…never went back
did get a call from my bank about fraud related to EA allowing someone in romania to log into my account and set up a sub and some garbage cash shop stuff, all of which i got back. thanks EA!
Havent touched an EA game since.
Never forget Warhammer online…boy did EA ruin that possible good game and fast.
i actually liked SWTOR levelling, better than FFXIV excluding shadowbringers content.
Also SWTOR isnt on the rise like FFXIV is, theres no excitement there and a stagnant community. FFXIV has one of the best mmo expansions ever made on its tail end, and a new expansion on the horizon. Get use to hearing about it while a huge part of the community dislikes the path this game takes.
I don’t know that that is entirely fair. If you look at the interviews of the time Lucas wanted to take the excitement of 1930s and 40s Republic Serials and translate it into a form that will still thrill adult audiences. Before Star Wars sci-fi came in two varieties. Bug-Eyed-Monster trillers aimed at kids and super-heady intellectual sci-fi aimed at university STEM students. You either had “Brain Eaters From The Dead Planet” on the one end or “2001: I Don’t Understand This Movie Without Reading The Novel” on the other end. And to that aim Lucas succeeded in creating a sci-fi movie that appealed to the kids who want to see Pew-Pew-Pew-Zoom spaceship battles and the adults that wanted to enjoy deeper stories set in a science fiction universe. There’s a lot of “space-wizard and laser swords” nonsense yes, but it was also pretty mature SF without climbing up its own butt.
Of course things changed greatly in the franchise when the movies stopped being about telling a coherent story and started being a big budget toy commercial, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that Lucas actually made a pretty big contribution to the genre with his original Star Wars movie.
There are 2 things I love about swtor.
Hutball and Galactic Star Fighter
Unfortunately neither of those things on their own keep me invested in swtor because
- There is never enough huttball
- GSF is basically never updated so it’s not very fun to play for long periods of time.
Edit: 3
The lvl 1 - 50 class stories. Those are amazing. After you finish those it’s all just a single story through the rest of the content with no real deviation.
Because ff14 is the hot topic, swtor was years ago.
All belongs in off topic.
I miss the slap in the face threads that had to do with in game wow stuff lol
I played for a while on the donated version of the game (spend any amount of money, get a medium upgrade to stuff, but nothing like a subscription), and while I enjoyed the game, I did hit a number of walls. The biggest ones are that: 1) I felt no sense of community, 2) The “worlds” never really seemed that large - even when they were, 3) The main storyline (pre-Hutt Cartel) was very Deus Ex Machina, moreso than WoW, even. Especially the Jedi. (Jedi is also the most humorless character. Operative is great, though.)
Also, leveling is very much on rails; think about if you had to start WoW purely in Cata.
It was a pretty game, and there were some good dialog bits, but when I went back, it just didn’t grab me again.
Oh, and “patch” day meant downloading the entire program over again. Boy howdy, that was fun.
I’ve been playing SWTOR lately for teh lulz.
It’s a decent game. I’ve also played ESO for a bit. Also not a terrible game.
This may come as a shock to people here, but you can play multiple games, bounce between them as you feel.
There doesn’t have to be one “holy MMO” to rule them all.
Go play WoW, SWTOR, ESO, FF14, BDO, or whatever pleases you.
Just don’t be one of those clowns who tries to ruin what other people enjoy.
I mean, it’s star wars.
Inquisitor had the best story, imo at least if you do pure dark side.
I try to tell people this and they ignore it.
$15 to unlock all perks was too much?
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If they would have taken the money they put in Anthem (LOL) in to fixing up SWTOR more they’d have been in a better place. They didn’t. That said the game is still fun and it gets a lot of things WoW doesn’t get right. (Instance runs, player housing, player housing with PvP mode, dyes for armors, etc) It also gets some things down right wrong like monetizing the UI all to hell and back…hic!
SWG vet here. I still miss my Master Bounty Hunter/Master Rifle character. Loved hunting down those padawans while also selling skins to my armorsmith for credits. If only SOE had worked to build on what they started with they could have been a good alternative to WOW. Instead they screwed it up by revamping the game in order to copy WOW. /facepalm
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Because FFXIV is the flavour of the day for taking jabs at Blizzard. SWTOR filled that purpose years ago.
They also have fun content that they refuse to update for some reason. I mean the star battles and GSF are in dire need of some updates but they won’t for some reason.
Exactly… that time and money for Anthem could have gone to that even…hic!
Yup, didn’t bother watching the latest trilogy.
Wiggles toes