Why is my new 200mmr priest going against 2000s?

I have the starter green pvp gear as a healer. Why am I fighting almost full conquest, enchanted out 2000mmr players? How is that supposed to be a good experience for me exactly?

Same thing happened to me. Won a few games and was launched into 2000mmr brackets. Went on a losing streak, now I lose more rating than I win. Feels awful tbh.

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You can’t see your MMR. That will change in the .5 patch, but for now all you see is a team average and your CR.

Sounds like your MMR shot up in your first few matches, got knocked down and is getting closer to your CR now.

MMR mobility seems to be somewhat inversely proportional to the number of games played. I think this is part of what folks call placement game behavior.

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Its also extremely punishing, far as i can tell, if you lose one of the trap games (way lower mmr enemy) that itll throw at you.

Should you not lose CR and MMR from losing a game?

You should. just is my observation that on a fresh toon, you may win the first 4-5 but losing a single trap game will big time plant you in that lower bracket and take a huge chunk out of your mmr

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Yes blizzard PLEASE put them in lower mmrs k thx