Why is Multiboxing allowed in game?

You get em.

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I’m just waiting till the paladin clad in orange does something that indirectly affects them.

while we sit back and get a few giggles out of the complaints…

  • Bad boxer stole muh nodez
  • bad boxer ganked me
  • bad boxer wont let me gouge.

Lame, lame and lots more lame. :laughing:

if you cant beat them…take their girlfriends :laughing:

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It’s always the same weak core issues driving the complaints.

They’re mad because they either don’t want competition for resources and are salty about long bois or they’re mad because they lack basic situational awareness in PvP and go in range of a ball of enemies.

Maybe they’re colorblind and can’t see red properly.

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meanwhile, Im on my lower monitor having a blast farming all day today making tons of gold :laughing:

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I’m being lazy and sleeping the day away waiting for my roommate to finally wake up.

We’re such terrible cheating people that we both got into the beta and are leveling together and reporting many bugs.


If I’m being as unbiased about it as possible I’d have to summarize it as such:

When the game was first out people didn’t MB a lot, they probably existed in Vanilla, but I never saw them and all I know for a fact is that I saw them in TBC. When they first came out the most popular thing out there for them to do was to be 5 boxing shamans because that’s 5 CLs and 5 shocks and that can instagib people. I’m sure other types of boxxers existed, but for a while all I saw were shaman boxers who did WPvP or BG pwning.

At this point in time Blizzard basically said “Oh yeah, boxers exist. It’s niche and they mainly just PvP with it. It’s not a huge source of income for us, it’s not game-breaking, and it doesn’t break any existing rules we have soooo…have fun.”

That’s basically it in a nutshell. They’ve never updated their rules about MBing. Over time MBing evolved with other classes where Afflocks, Spriests, and Boomkins all become other popular choices to box with and nowadays people can box pretty much in any way they want.

My opinion is that given that WoD made being able to play the game for free much more accessible and Legion made multi-tap farming very efficient coupled with the fact that no one is on dial up and getting a computer that can handle MBing isn’t hard in the least I’d say their stance on MBing is extremely outdated…but it does exist.

I believed them in the old days when they said we don’t care about the extra sub cost and it’s not a big impact on their bottom dollar, but now I think they like the sub cost and they won’t remove it because of that. Does the game rely on MBers? Very doubtful, but I do believe their MB:Not MB ratio is much higher than it used to be and they’re not sad about that.

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No, pray to Lootcifer.


wait what … people do world PVP ?

Must be why they wait so long between bot ban waves too.


In celebration of this thread, I reactivated 3 accounts and am now 5 boxing again. Thank you for the multiboxer love. =)


Because it doesn’t go against TOS. It’s really that simple.


Theyve got me thinking about firing up 3 or 4 more accounts.
ive only dual boxed previously…and i really didnt do it to farm…but I might just do it.
Summers ending, need to blow my hobby $$$ somewhere, lol


Usually there’s a winter sale that makes accounts cheap.

My inner spite makes me want to open 3 more for the maximum of 8 but that would take effort.


So casuals like me can run dungeons without getting kicked, i have 5 accounts BTW but only running 2 of them until patch 9! you don’t know the pure joy in soloing mythic 5 mans alone or obliterating old raids it is pure joy.