Why is MMR hard capped right now?

i was hard stuck 1400 in season 1 with like 2500 games played in 2s. but i wasn’t using doomwinds, i had the wrong talents and a bunch of other things.

i respect anyone out there who grind it out.

And if you had gone 4-2 while even with your mmr, you would’ve gotten +40, and then -27 since your mmr would’ve been higher than your cr. At least that was how it was in season 1. So far in season 2, all my mmr gains have matched my cr gains, and it makes no sense

No other pvp game gives permanent rewards based on the rating you finish at the end of the season

The nerds class gets nerfed back to normal and then no other players of his spec can get that rating for the remainder of the 4 month season and he takes up a rank one slot which denies potentially better players of the spec a r1 slot

If people just queue up at the start of the week to get their vault the quit play for hr week on Wednesday, it does the same thing.

if they made the glad mount % based again this would solve almost all of the problems.

#1 you wouldn’t have inflated egos i.e. season 2 shadowlands glads.
#2 people would know exactly where they are by having it % based.
#3 they could make inflation high and everyone can get their weapon enchant and elite mogs which people really dont care about because what people want most is the mount.

False. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

id say if youre in the top .5% you’re among the best of the best even if youre not rank 1.

Yeah its actually dumb af

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Psure last season there was throttling with CR gain, too. I remember a few people at the top talking about having hit a cap (eg, around 2.4K), but it eventually went up week by week from early in the season

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**** this hard mmr cap and blizzard, worst decision they ever made!! done playing this sh** system till it gets fixed. Feels so unrewarding winning 5-0 6-0 and ur mmr never moving. Dawg boring



Generally rank decay is the preferred method of dealing with this.

Ok but seriously, did they say there was a cap right now or is everyone just running with an assumption and freaking out?

No, people at the lower MMR will generate more MMR no matter if they win or lose, you guys act like MMR is this finite currency and people can “steal” it when they’re not playing.

If such system exists, where if someone is to stop playing means they’re stealing the bracket MMR, then its the system’s fault from the start.

Again, no other game is deliberately gimping people from playing until the end of the season, it’s counterproductive, the game is at it peak participation at the start of each season.

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they’ve already said they will never do this. because if something happens IRL they dont want to make the player feel like they have to play to keep their rating.

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how does everyone knows this for sure? ive been looking for like an official article but nada. i mean MMR defiitely feels harder to gain this season than in last . also feels harder to find any decent pvper in LFG that are at least 1750 xp. most of the players in LFG are just 12hundo xp andys

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That is a pretty wild rationale. Generally decay doesn’t happen at all until pretty high up the ladder, at which point it just becomes part of the deal if you want to compete above the ~90th percentile.


RSS has much higher participation than old 3s, so RSS’ bell curve is much larger than old 3s’.

With the bell curve size difference, the highest ratings in RSS should be much higher than the highest ratings in old 3s, but they’re not. Thus, Blizzard is doing something to artificially pull down ratings in RSS.

does it matter? last week everyone pushes all the same.

All the R1s can catch up to there rather quickly before the final push too.


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There is a cap right now Venruki made a vid about it.

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Haven’t, won’t read entire thread but I’ve seen ppl say part of the inflation was with people leaving games early and retaining their MMR then reinjecting (artificially inflating) into the system next time they queued