Why IS Malfurion Stormrage USELESS?

Is there ANY reason why Malfurion Stormrage is USELESS in every EXPANSION.

What does he DO?

Tyrande whisperwind is inside torghast fighting WHILE Malfurion is DOING what?

Why is he this neglected and incompetent ?

He is powerful YET he is useless.

Wth blizzard? make him do something valuable for a CHANGE.

Malfurion stormRAGE he should be the one raging and going after Sylvanis…


Because him and thrall apparently randomly have to be useless and whiney and be unable to do anything on their own. Despite their past abilities history, and known powers.

Not sure why. It’s just the way Blizzards writing team has randomly decided to write them.

Just like they don’t really portray Baine in a very good light, despite him being a generally level headed character.

Instead they just don’t do anything with these characters despite them being long established or use them poorly, or use them as punching bags.

Another example is Genn, he gets -some- things to do, but despite all his screen time, he doesn’t really accomplish anything, and is mostly impotent in most things he’s involved in. Which is a shame.


He’s a druid. His top priority at all times is taking a nap as soon as possible.


Probably because if the powerful faction leaders like malf were able to do stuff there would be no conflict to be honest.


Nah, tyrande is even stronger than Malfurion right now due to night warrior BS, and she’s still completely ineffective and useless.


He’s OP like Velen. So they’re not allowed to do anything. Except dialogue. Can’t show up the star(s) of the show…murder hobos.


Tyrande will potentially die or turn EVIL he still CANT?

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He’s back home because he has people to lead. He does have a responsibility to the night elves. With Tyrande gone someone has to hold down the fort. Particularly with Scourge romping around. Life on Azeroth doesn’t stop just because there’s a hole in the sky. Malfurion has always been the calmer one, Tyrande is hot headed and more likely to run off.

He gets held back a lot because he is crazy strong. It’s practically an unfair advantage. But the book and short stories really showcase him a lot more.


He’s probably having himself a good laugh right now about how his wife has went psycho and is trying to murder everything.

He knows we will fix her but he’s just like na keep her crazy over there for now.


Thrall is a traitor to the Horde: he betrayed both Garrosh and Sylvanas.


Two of the worst leaders the horde was ever stuck with.

I don’t blame him for wanting to remove either, both were literally awful.

Hopefully Sylvanas follows suit with Garrosh and dies off to stop blighting WoW with her existance.


Leading their people.

He’s not. I’d suggest reading the books. He’s simply a background leader. No need.to focus on him.

He’s not useless. You just don’t see much of him in the game. There’s more to things in the books.

He’s the level headed one who will lead their people while she goes off on a tangent. He raged quite well in the Battle of Darkshore.


Nothing but perspectives: for me, they are the greatest!

I now know that you are not a Loyalist to Sylvanas!
I will talk about your misconduct to Sylvanas and Zovaal: maybe they will make a little space for you near Anduin…


Easy. He’s male and the writers are woke. The narrative doesn’t work.


Alliance fit that description since the game started. They do nothing and are immune to everything. Bad writing, poor effort with story since the lich king.

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give him boobs and he’ll be in the spotlight, throwing god-like magic around, too.


You can blame Christie Golden’s fan fiction.

Making out with a Troll



I remember when I saw that cinematic for the first time, the one where a PTSD’d troll tells what happened to his caravan. At first I thought there were several new druid characters attacking, and I was impressed. Then it was revealed to all be Malf… and I just busted up laughing.

The way the guy is portrayed in-game, just the thought of him being any kind of serious threat is HILARIOUS. Feather arms, antlers sprouting from his head, oh noes, save me from this Dr. Seuss reject!

He’s actually quite typical of the ferocious Nelfs we used to see portrayed back in the day. But he’s also old and much more in tune with things, while Tyrande just goes crazy over anything.

His in game model needs work. And the books actually portrayed him correctly. Not sure why the game couldn’t. :confused:


Well, at the end of the day, how he comes across in other materials really isn’t helpful. He may be a badass in some books I’ve never read, but in WoW he’s just a particularly goofy elf. It doesn’t help that in Heroes of the Storm, he’s just a healer, making him appear even less threatening than in WoW.

I say they need to take him more along a Gandalf kind of route. Forget the shapeshifting, yes it’s a druid thing, but he’s just not scary enough to pull it off. Focus on the spellcasting, make it clear that he’s a force to be reckoned with because of his brains, not his brawn. I could at least buy that, I think.