Why is leeway a game killer

The server, at the datacenter.

And how does it do that?

I said a hip hop
The hippie to the hippie
The hip hip a hop, and you donā€™t stop, a rock it
To the bang bang boogie, say up jump the boogie
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
A skiddleebebop, we rock, scooby doo

Soā€¦ my original statement stands:

Sry that was just my fun way of saying hopsā€¦ ping hops.

I can make my packets lie to record an initial 300ms of fake travel timeā€¦ super easyā€¦ I literally have the code for it on a work server.

So if I add an intercept on my connection that tells any packet going to a Blizzard IP that it took 300ms more than it did, I can have an extra amount of reach at all times, undetectable.

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No, not possible.

:rofl: Ah huh.

read post 84 or 85, if u do that you would be at a disadvantage. :wink:

Buddy, you need to just pay your 15 bucks a month and play the game as best you can. You are way out of your league. Your ridiculous bragging has already trashed what credibility you might have had, youā€™re just making things worse.

Iā€™m way out of my league here indeed. Two infinity and beyond!

Now, if you have anything that will make it so I can game with true 0ms Iā€™m all ears baby!

Not until Blizzard sets up the Loping server.

Looks like weā€™re going to have to Elope two different kinds of servers for that. lol

ā€œInsert reasonā€ will kill classic

Seems like this is less of a problem with leeway and more how leeway interacts with their new-old spell batching system. Iā€™m not really a fan of spell batching as it is now. It makes abilities feel ā€œfloatyā€ and laggy. I probably didnā€™t notice spell batching back in 2005, but that was one of the first things that I noticed on the stress test.

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Because spell batching was in the game, just not the way theyā€™ve implemented it in Classic.

With our current tech, 200ms windows are incredibly easy to react to, especially for pro players. Even ppl at 40 years old can average a 200ms reaction time. They should set it to 100-150ms windows for better accuracy and a truer vanilla experience. Imagine going up against those 14-21 year olds with <100ms reaction speed.

To test your reaction speed.

it needs to be fixed.

Nah, itā€™s fine.

Maybe blizzard can lock my dpi to simulate a ball mouse and make every other key on my keyboard work to simulate my small childlike hands. Oh and no keybinding on mmo mice cause the average player didnā€™t have those in Vanilla. #nochanges