Why is leeway a game killer

it seems silly to keep a mechanic just for the sake of keeping a mechanic that was in vanilla if it isnt “working” as it did in vanilla. if the game no longer “feels” or plays the same as vanilla with leeway exactly as it was in vanilla then you are either being lazy by not modding it to mimic vanilla gameplay or blindly saying “no changes” which in this case is causing changes. if they ignore this, it is just plain oversight (most likely intentional for whatev reason, $manpower$, etc). 10+ yard melee attacks…kek. gg blizz.

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Your argument sucks.

Should we adjust the game for higher resolutions and average framerates? Do you remember what it was like playing at 720p with 10 FPS? Should we adjust the game because it feels different with all the modern gaming mice and other peripherals?

Where do you stop with adjusting for “feel”?

I always had top end PC builds so I never got to experience that. Even in vanilla I was always chilling at 60 fps (100+ if I turned off V-sync). My pc was over $6000 in 2005, man how cheap tech has gotten since then.

All that higher resolution does is give us a bigger picture and a better look. I would hope the game flows and feels the same no matter what resolution you choose. The game was created for 60 fps and anything higher would yield no advantage.

My argument remains valid & true.

Turn your resolution down to 720p and cap your FPS at 10 and tell me the game still feels the same. I can guarantee you’d have a harder time PvPing like that than having melee with an extra yard range on activating their abilities.

Of course… fortunately leeway was created for ping/latency/ms issues. Leeway was not created for resolution+fps issues.

I hope you can see that your argument is self defeating. You admitted that the difference in your gameplay due to FPS is nonexistent because you had a good PC back in 2006. There were plenty of people with good internet as well; people that lived close to the data centers had very good ping.

If you want to adjust mechanics based on averages, then you’d need to account for the differences in hardware and resolution as those do have significant impact on the feeling and outcome of your gameplay.

Unless of course, you’re just picking on leeway cause you don’t like it. That’s called bias.

I had a good PC sure but all of my friends chose a west coast server and we were on east coast (Blizzard didn’t release where the servers were located back then). I had around 150 ms consistently all the way till near the end of TBC (when I quit).

I’m not against leeway, all I’m saying is that they implemented it incorrectly. Leeway was created for high ping situations. The higher the ping = the higher the leeway and the lower the ping = the lower the leeway. We are not suppose to have maximum leeway 2.66 yrds for everyone like how it is in classic. In a 0ms/ping situation the leeway should equal 0yrds. Hopefully you understand this.

Nowadays I have 15-30ms when connected to a west coast server all the way from the east.


You keep talking about you and your experience. How should we adjust the leeway range? For you? Or for the average improvement in latency across the playerbase?

What else should we adjust to make the game “feel” like it did in 2006 once we make leeway “feel” appropriate for the average player? Of course it’ll feel differently for the person who has the same latency now as they did in 2006 but you obviously don’t care about that.

See the issue is back then we didn’t know much about leeway and spell batch. I know i had no idea and we generally chucked it up as lag. Now that we have better tech and knowledge, its super noticeable.

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I dont remember hearing any such thing or this being tested from anyone especially from blizz

Adjust the leeway for all the players. You don’t understand so there is no point in arguing. Leeway was created so high ping players can have a similar experience as low ping players.

Ex, 0ms = 0 yrds leeway
ex, 300+ms = 2.66yrds leeway

We shall have to wait and see for what’s next.

Of course I care, I want it to feel the same as it did in 2006, not differently.

Differently = change and I’m a nochanger.

I understand completely. You want an authentic mechanic to be altered from it’s authentic state because hardware and internet connections are better today. You’re also neglecting to admit your bias in this decision because you’re not giving the same standard to the numerous other cases that Classic will feel different due to those aforementioned reasons.

I understand all too well. You thought you wanted Classic but you didn’t.

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The mechanic is implemented incorrectly.

2006 - 0ms situation = 0yrds leeway.
2019 - 0ms situation = 2.66yrds leeway.


Where is the source indicating it was implemented like this.

If the average latency in 2005 was say 100MS and the average latency now is say 30MS then both leeway and spellbatching need to be reduced to 1/3 of what they were in 2005.


If the average player had “xxx” view distance, then the view distance need to be reduced to “xxx” distance.

I think spell batching is a bad mechanic. I don’t have a personal opinion on leeway. I do, however, know that Blizzard will not adjust them because they’ve already said they’re not altering the mechanics to fit modern hardware/connections.

I guarantee you 100% that there is a source out there proving Blizzard and all of us wrong about leeway. Hats off to whoever finds it.

Yet, they made other changes, no problem. Loot trading, layering and rcr to name a few…that were not there. Bad for them to cherry pick the changes…lol.

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But are altering things to make them work on modern hardware. And especially in the case of spellbatching they intentionally had to try to replicate it and what a lot of people are saying is that it really doesn’t work right. Keep in mind they are in fact using the modern server architecture which had these mechanics massively changed since vanilla anyways.

Back in the day, I used to think that I had an X number of frames to counter/react to a enemies spell and it worked out for me every time (ex, gouging a mages blink). I still believe it should be like that :slight_smile: .