Why is KHADGAR the main character of Dragonflight?

Yesterday I engaged with you in a sincere manner and I had several replies telling me you were basically an attention seeker.

Lo and behold.

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its been two xpacs without one of the most iconic protagonists in warcraft history. its about time he returned

Khadgar is A main character. ONE of.

I disagree with him being so, when all of the dragonflight leads have loads of conflict baked in after finding their homeland. Only two of the five AFAIK have actually seen them (Kalecgos isn’t that old, is he?)

-Black and Blue dragonflights need to be rebuilt, in very different ways.
-Bronze may need to deal with the inevitable prophecy of his corruption and demise. Having that happen here, where he succumbs to Old God corruption here of all places? That would be tragic.
-Green? Melithra needs to grow into the role so elegantly performed by her mother. Her plotline might play out similar to Mayla Highmountain. Are any of her mother’s former consorts still alive to give her a bit of a pep talk?
-Red, The Queen herself. She’ll have her hands full as the de facto lead of her entire race of peoples, a united albeit separate races ready to prosper.

Point is, we DON’T need Khadgar.


Madeleine Roux, is that you?


I do just want to point out one thing that made me chuckle though.

You claim it must be fan service, but then claim the fans don’t like him that much

Thank you, that’s all I’m trying to say. There are so many good characters to choose from to spearhead this expansion. Khadgar isn’t one of them.

Literally just repalce Khadgar with Kalec.

They’re both mages. Both have an affinity for the arcane. Both are neutral towards the Alliance and Horde. Kalec is actually a DRAGON and not some overrated human mage. And Kalec is hotter.

They have to include a lore OG otherwise long time fans will scoff at it.

They are.

Her name is Alexstrazsa.

No he wasn’t in legion. That was illidan

Dude he was one of the MC in Warcraft 2

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I can only assume that Jaina will be a big part too since she is Kalecgos’ Wanda to her Vision

Tf is OP complaining about khadgar if jaina is in this expac I’m going to be like wth don’t you have a nation to lead.

What’s wrong with him being an old white guy? What do you have against white people? Or, men? The elderly?

She prob has some vacation time wracked up. A girl needs to have a good vacation everyone and then!

Well, his appearance is old, what’s his actual age? Like mid 30’s?

Probably. It sounds like he matches my demographic pretty well, along with a huge chunk of the WoW players.

This feels unnessecary

Jaina and Kalec have been broken up for years now.

I don’t wanna see her either :skull:

Shhhhhh I don’t know that yet!

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Why is this thread still up for almost a day when the OP is clearly posting racism in several posts including the first one?

Mods are so quick to delete a thread about asmongold or furrys but racism can stay up juat fine?