Why is it still night time in the game?

So Blizzard have the indecency to not fix the Oceanic server to oceanic time, which is bad enough, but now its after midnight in Australia and its still night time in the game? wtf this is outrage what so they just remove our daylight ingame completely now?

EDIT: I teleported back to Silvermoon and its daylight there. But at the time of writing above it was night time in Orgrimmar wtf.

You expect things to actually working game? This isn’t 2004 my friend.

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It’s been out of sorts for our day/night for ages.

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this has happened again. It’s night time after 11pm AU time, when because of the day/night cycle brokeness, it should be daytime. That means I still can’t record >:( I had to wait till after 11pm to record some daylight, and its still night time ingame. FFS :rage: are they that incompetent they can’t keep it properly fixed to US time like it normally is? :woman_facepalming:

You do understand how daylight cycles work right? At 11 pm it is always dark as the sun doesn’t rise till sometime around 6 am… Having daylight in the middle of the night is not something that is possible unless you live right at the bottom of the hemisphere.

this is obviously a troll comment. Not appreciated.

No, you obviously lack brain cells enough to not understand how day/night cycles work in relation to the rotation of the sun.

I think that there are technical reasons for this. Changing the world time impacts when quests and dungeons reset; when the vault is available; and the time new content is released. These would no longer align with their maintenance window. Events would happen first on our servers and that might result in some unintended consequences that encourage players chasing world first to roll chars in OCE.

Could they do it? Yes, but nothing in the last 20 years has been designed with this in mind so everything past, present and future would need to be reviewed for the difference.

in new zealand and night time seems to come around 4 pm which is crazy as we got light till 9pm i only hate it cause it turns my mount white at night and yellow in the day i like it yellow

I’m sick and tired of people like you. You think its okay for people in Australia to not be able to experience the daylight in the game. They should change the Oceanic server time back to oceanic time. It’s as simple as that FFS.

Theirs a toy sun warmed sand and dust that changes night into day. Its not a complete fix. However its better than nothing. And personally I wasn’t expecting anything. Though we got something. Anyway their are peeps on the other side of the world that want to experience night time.

I tried finding that toy but wasn’t sure how to get it.
As for people in the US that want to experience night time, they have their own servers. This is supposed to be the Oceanic server so we should be able to experience day time and night time instead of just night time all the time

You could always play during real daylight hours, from around 6 am to 8-9 pm instead of midnight like you said you do. The sun isn’t up at midnight