Why does it take so long to get Conquest in BG’s and I can’t transfer to alts? Makes it very aggrivating to get gear on my alts.
Any reason why you don’t play Battleground Blitz on this hunter? (Rated Solo Q BG)
It would be easier to get conquest there and once you reach 1400, you can send conquest loot box to your alt for 375 conquest per box.
It’s frontloaded into daily/weekly stuff
As always if you want it immediately you just grab a buddy and play to win in low mmr 2s or 3s
Log onto alt, queue for ebg (ashran/wg first seasonal quests), skirm daily win, brawl weekly quest, don’t forget to grab bloody token wpvp quest and the weekly ranked and unranked quest
Then float around in wpvp looking for air drops, bounties and working on the 100 sparks quest while in queue
I play casually so pretty much just do the daily BGs but that takes forever to get conquest. I will give it a shot. I tried the solo arena but the queue was 40 min.
You should be doing rated PvP to earn more conquest. Aside from daily/weekly quests and the one win per reg bg/ebg/skirm/brawl.
Well, current structure sort of supports that
Shuff/Blitz both bad honor
If you tryna grind it then q 2s and play to win (win or lose fast cos conq doesn’t scale with rating and gearing =/= climbing)
Grinding 2’s using LFG is best bet for conquest. You may lose a lot but it’s better than waiting 20 mins for a solo arena / blitz queue, then playing for another 15-20 mins, and then only getting 0-39 conquest if you also lose.
Grinding conquest from randoms is a PITA.
All I can tell you is just queue for both (regular and epic), do your quests, if the BG goes against you, drop it and queue on another toon. Repeat until you get your wins.
Warcrates (use the addon to track pops)
THe Weekly. 1 Win each BG.
Arena if you want.
You can get full conquest geared in a day and a half or less.
What addon do you use?
On Cureseforge: WarCrateTracker
Also make sure you are on a server that is heavily controlled by your faction for greater success