Why is it "impossible" for them to give us AV 1.5?

KR was played extensively in retail … I wonder what gave you the idea that players in retail didn’t want it. It was probably the most popular BG in years if you counted how many times it was played in the 2 months it was up .

Wait, did they say it was impossible? Where?

I think this is my main issue with how Actiblizz handled classic

Then classic is not the game for you TBH, the entire gating system means that you are playing a frankenpatch.


they never said “impossible” ever

they just dont want too,1.12 is what they had so its what we got

they dont want to spend resources on it, its not that mysterious

Imagine being so freakishly self centered that you think just because one single aspect of the game isn’t to your liking the entire game should be shut down completely. Get over yourself and quit playing if it’s that big of deal to you. You won’t be missed.

The gating/ 6 release phase thing doesn’t bug me the way playing different patch levels within different pieces of the game would.

To carry it to the extreme, I never once expected they would release and then patch Classic on the same exact schedule as they did Vanilla.

But… playing 1.12 everywhere else and 1.5 in AV is a big “no thanks” from me. (And the developers, too, who, um, matter a lot more than me)

Would 1.5 everywhere have been better than 1.12 everywhere?

Maybe…, and I don’t really care, heh.

Ok, go sit down and take your Ritalin, because i think you lost it at the end there.

WoW belongs to them, not you, they created it, not you.
Who else would have control over it.

As for the rest, there was no reason to think anything that is otherwise, blizzard was clear and open about what classic was going to be at all times.

1.12 AV is patch correct, and so that is what we have.
Redesigning AV to be akin to 1.5 era is not impossible for them at all
but it is inconsistent with the patch version that they have to create classic from.

I have no idea how you could think a thing when Blizzard publicly said different, long before classic was even released.
If i tell you the sky is going to be blue, and BLUE is the color we are going with, how can you possibly think that you are going to get a red sky?

Funny thing, retail WoW got a modified older version of AV for the anniversary.

Oh dont get me wrong, i would much enjoy a 1.13 AV
Which would be an AV based on 1.5 but totally retuned to mop the floor with 1.12 Godlings.

But, i also see where that can lead down the path of Hey you did this to that, we want you to do this other thing to that over there too!

Yes but see, retail is open to change, everyplace.
It is dynamic and always changing, it has no throne of authenticity to try and behold to.

I don’t think you understand how patch numbers work.

edit: To be clear, patch 1.5 was released on June 7, 2005. Patch 1.12 was released on August 22, 2006. The 1.5 version of AV is over a year older than the the 1.12 version.

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Er ok you just confused the hell out of me.
1.5 IS the original AV, 1.5 patch is when AV went live.
You can read 1.5 as 1.05, which is much before 1.12

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.5.0 Edit

Patch trailer Edit

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Patch 1

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Patch 1.5 Trailer

Battlegrounds arrive! Edit

  • The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley battlegrounds are now available.
    • The Warsong Gulch entrances may be found in the northern Barrens near the Mor’Shan Rampart (Horde) and south of Silverwing Outpost in Ashenvale (Alliance).
    • The Alterac Valley entrances may be found east of Sofera’s Naze in Alterac (Horde), and in the Headlands of Alterac (Alliance).