Why is it called arms warrior?

Darn it. I click just to make that same joke…

I think that not only arms is just a physical extremity, sometimes it is synonymous with weapon or guns.

In any case we need a samurai Blademaster with shadow clone ability, BLIZZARD WHAT HAPPENED TO WHAT WAS IN WARCRAFT 3? everything from Shadowlands and Refunded was an insult to the last and best part of the RTS series.

If i went warrior route i guess i be a furry one :thinking: :dracthyr_nod:

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IIRC they used to be different but that got retconned when they dumped voidform and the new shadowform on us (Legion? BfA?).

This is the type of meme posting that we need here.

Legs warrior


Classic Rigatoni

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The right of the people to keep and bear ARMS shall not be infringed.

Because fury keeps tripping it.

Back in the day when I did some PVP, someone in a BG would yell “To Arms!” and I would always respond with “To Legs!”

And that concludes the Dadgar segment of today’s show!

/moo :cow:

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^^ Wins