Why is it called arms warrior?

lol i just now notice the “arms” is for “extremities” and no “armas” (spanish word). in the Spanish version this warrior spec is “Armas” and that means many weapons so you usually think this Warrior is a weapon master who use many types of weapons

Heroic Leap begs to differ, seriously, could you imagine leaping 25yards in full plate armor with a giant weapon?


Though I always saw “Arms” as a “Master of Weapons”, which I find ironic as Arms Warriors are pigeon-holed into using only a single two-handed weapon.

I really wish they’d give Arms “Gladiator Stance” to complete the fantasy, allowing an Arms warrior to pick his combat style and embody the fantasy of a sword & board character that’s an expert on using both to kill. Prot is fun, but it doesn’t quite get there.

Most fun I ever had playing Warrior was with Glad Stance.


Why is there a specific spec called Holy for paladins? Does that imply that all paladins aren’t holy? Who are these unholy paladins running around and what have they done?

Oh dear, I took this the wrong way.

Hmmm, come to think of it, the OP is right. They should rename the Army to Leggy, since they have all the “foot soldiers”.

Ohhhhhhh, I get it.

The name “Shadows” is not their true name. Their true name is actually ten thousand letters long and is hard for anyone outside of their race to pronounce.

Wait, that wasn’t the “shadows” WoW copied? I mean they DID copy the Minbari err Draenei and the Light, err Vorlons

I am THE Unholy Paladin, but I am specc’d Blood

“To Arms!”

hums Ronin Warriors theme

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Unholy paladins from d2 mod median xl. If only that existed in wow somehow.

Psst. Buddy, I think OP was making a bad dad joke. You know, read the post, not just the title.

Those are called Monks


Isn’t that just a Monk?

Arms, meaning weapons. “Armed” forces…Armed guards…etc.

I love my Blademaster alt. I just wish plate had more kilt like appearances.

Youre being very rude you knoq that, how dare you accuse my thread being a troll!

Asking the real questions out here.

I’m very smart

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Psst. Buddy. I already said something about this:

Read more than 2 replies!

Psst. Buddy.

You used the word “trolling” wrong. Jokes aren’t trolling.