Why is it always Intellect?

So I first noticed it with my WW Monk, but now I’m running a MM Hunter, and all the gear drops I’m getting while leveling are Intellect. Is there something I’m missing here?

Agility gear? :wink:

Seriously, though, I believe that before a certain level, drops are very random. After that, you should start getting gear just for your spec.


A lot of armor changes main stat based on spec, at least after a certain point. It could just be a display issue or you have not hit that point yet.

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Pretty sure most armor (even questing gear) has multiple main stats on it that change based on your current spec. If the stat is greyed out, it’s not active.

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I get that kind of thing on my new 120’s that haven’t really gotten very high ilvl yet. But after a bit it starts balancing out for my spec. As long as I don’t switch spec’s a lot. I think it goes sometimes by the spec you logged on with not necessarily what you current have. I have no proof of that, just my personal observation.

I just love getting intel gear on my finally reached 120 ret pally. lol Though my other higher level ret pally gets appropriate gear.

Then again, I had logged onto her in Holy spec without realizing it. I had been goofing around with Holy… Next day I logged on in Ret spec and didn’t get intel gear. Coincidence possibly… Don’t know.

You can actually right click your portrait and set your Loot Specialization. Normally this defaults to whatever you are, but if you are a DPS spec and want to build a Tanking/Healing set you can change your loot spec to match and gear up for a spec other than what you currently are. Of course, if you set this by accident to something you don’t want to collect, you’ve caused yourself a problem…

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Oh gee, I totally forgot about that!

Thanks! :smiley:

Viper shot hah

Hunter used to use intellect gear , in any case all gear is hunter gear :+1:

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Vanilla Armor used to be all variety of stats not just your base power so seeing something like Intellect/Agility was fairly uncommon. Intellect for example used to help weapons skill up faster so you would do more damage with them against equal level enemies; it also increased mana pool size and Hunters used to have mana. Agility used to give physical Critical Strike and Dodge, Strength increased Blocking amount so even Shamans found it somewhat useful, even a little bit.

I rolled for an intellect weapon in a Raid. I told them I wanted to be a smart tank… Boom!

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The universe is sending you a hint.

Probably the idea that they dont want you gearing up too quick, otherwise you’d play less at some point and we cant have that.