Why is infected wounds only 20%

So I’m curious if the devs have ever commented on the reasoning behind infected wounds going from a 50% slow to 20%. I didn’t play my feral for quite a while primarily because of that change alone.

One of my favorite things about feral in cata / mop was slapping a couple of bleeds on a mob and then just moving to the next one and having 2-4 mobs waddling along bleeding out behind me. Not to mention 50% slow helped a lot with the hit and run play style in pvp. The pvp talent helps a lot there and I don’t mind a 40% slow as I realize feral is highly mobile but 20% just seems like it’s incredibly low. Even 30 or 35% in pve would be great.

Anyway, thoughts? Does anyone know what the reasoning was for the change there?

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Until you pull aggro because the mob is slowed and therefore the tank can’t hit it.

Low impact, single target slows range from meaningless to harmful in PvE. I can’t remember the last time I was actually happy I had applied IW to something.

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I can kinda see the concern but I don’t really dps mobs on the move all that often esp on my Druid. I normally wait for the tank to gather them up when I playing any class that doesn’t have MD. If I did slap a few dots on em ut certainly wouldnt be enough to pull agro. It’s not like I’m on my war poping spear / avatar / blade storm .

To top it off, we have to waste a pvp talent to get a MEASLEY 20% mortal strike that we have to stack twice first…

DH get an instant AOE 50%

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I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion but I would personally prefer my Druid not having a MS effect just because I assume the dmg is balanced around that. I would rather have bleeds that are a serious threat like in cata / mop. A full stack of buffed bleed should require healing / defensive or death in most cases in pvp