Why is Helya so beautiful?


Blizzard’s ethics have always been messed up at best. I thought so since I was directed to kill harmless Kobold “Vermins” (that word choice, ugh). And I later understood why… and not in 2021. Much earlier.

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I have always been a heretic. In other times I would surely have burned at the stake for that. Not that it’s impossible now. Intolerance is at the most I have ever seen. Not speaking of you, of course, though your animation could induce epilepsy. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the other hand, I can’t forget (nor forgive) that my first combat quest in FF14 directed me to slaughter LADYBUGS. I was tempted to unsubscribe then and there, but I had just managed to subscribe after a heroic (mythic?) effort. I should have.

As a hero you must do heroic things to heroically help the less heroic because you’re the hero. And also need exp. points or have to stick to the quest line because the reward you need is attached to it.

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I don’t hate her because she’s beautiful.

Mmm, she just needs some love. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Wrap me in your living tentacles

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wraps Vicktoria with my living tentacles

I love octopus. Such a unique creature.

they also taste great

I to love the octopus :octopus:

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I’d like to know how she turned from a val’kyr into what she is now.

Even I don’t know the whole story.

But from I heard, it’s pretty tragic.

I read her backstory. It never mentioned anything about transforming into Ursula.

Helya was cool.

Odyn was a total a**.

Come gameplay : Helya evil, go beat! , Odyn heroic and majestic, help, be praised!

Any redemption arcs should go towards Helya. Also, Odyn needs to be held accountable for his poor decisions.

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