Why is hellcaller better than Soul harvester in M+?

Been going back and forth between hellcaller and soul harvester and just im not seeing the upside of hellcaller in M+. Why exactly is it seen as a better M+ choice?

It isn’t. I’m trying lots of different builds with it and it’s pretty inconsistent, while SH it’s not. If the group is very good and have good bursts, Hellcaller it’s super weak. If the group isn’t strong or the dungeon is too strong for your group, Hellcaller is better. All boiles down to wether Wither actually acutes all of it stacks or not. That’s actually why I made a post telling that Hellcaller needs help.

It’s weaker in Raid and most M+ levels. Maybe it will only shine in 12+ keys? Idk, it needs help, most “high” keys done by Aff locks are done by SH’s.

Yeah I’m not sure which is stronger actually they both have their pros and cons.
Seed + Malevolence is such a quick and powerful AOE set up though on a 1min CD. Short CDs lend themselves to M+ very well.

Eh. I find Wither to be my #1 damaging spell on most trash pulls regardless of the duration.

Wither will always be top damage for Hellcaller. That’s not the problem, is that in comparison with Anathema and Shared Fate, you loose a lot of damage by adds dying quickly or not acuting fast enough.

It’s just inconsistent, some dungeons my Wither and MR have insanely good damage and sometimes my MR in SH it’s doing more damage than Wither and MR combined. Wither needs a safe condition for not feeling wasted imo, and it’s Single Target needs to be better, would be a lot cooler If they made a talent node in between (and replace that middle choice node that every aff takes the more damage less duration) to something like “If a target affected by Wither dies, they explode for shadowfire damage, damage increased based in the numbers of stacks left” (like the old Soul Flame) and another one that “Wither no long acute but it’s damage increases per stack”, so longer the fight lasts the more damage It does.

Also for some reason, there’s tons of bosses that randomly gets untergatable and loses all stacks of Wither, you need to reapply the spell. Like Dawnbreaker and Mists first boss and Ansurek, this needs to be fixed because It hurts A LOT to lose 10+ stacks for no reason.