still waiting for mine, going on 2 days now
I logged out of Twitch then logged back in and it was there. So maybe that can help.
Hey mate, this fixed it.
I “claimed” it on twitch 5days ago but it was never sent to my wow account.
However, following your suggestion, I relogged Twitch relogged wow afterwards, and now it is there in my collections.
I also have never had a twitch drop issue until this one. Everything is corrected correctly. I was really disappointed to hear support cannot assist with twitch drops.
I STILL do not have it and I claimed it 10 days ago… WTF is up with this?
I think that drop is long over, and even if you claim it now, you will not get it.
You have to claim it in the time the drop is happening.
Seems dumb to me if you ‘earned’ it and just didnt claim that it would still lock you out. But here we are.