Why is flash of light nerfed by 25% in pvp?

I’ve tested flash of light in pvp and noticed its nerfed by 25% in pvp, which idk why it would be since it clearly is not ever used because of its waste of a global cooldown. When you take an average of 500-600k from each global cooldowns in pvp, you must at least use a global cooldown that does the same amount in healing or in dmg to have the same value and have a chance to win a fight. But for some reason Flash of light in pvp on PTR and retail does less than 500k in pvp, it does 450k if you use the 2 flash of light talents on ptr and 335k on retail with the 1 talent for flash of light.
Those numbers are without a mortal strike effect on myself or even dampening.

This means using flash of light in pvp, even with the instant version, is a waste of time because you will always get less value than you would doing dmg, because even if you could spam it, you’ll die from their global doing more dmg than your global does healing without even counting mortal strikes effect and dampening, in which case you will just be reported for Sabotage.