fel barrage damage shouldnt be doing 20k crits for how often it procs
Because when we’re against 3 melee in a lobby, sometimes its all we have to do damage wise besides conflag/burn.
It doesnt proc that often however it is a end tier talent and before they buffed it you were lucky for it to do 6k damage in total. Where its at now is a healthy place imo
I’ve seen it regularly be top 3 damage sources at times behind conflag and shadowburn
Hmm interesting I dont play destro anymore but it hasnt ever been in the top 3 let alone 5 for affy/demo
I mean I’d rather anything else, it would be way more interactive. Lots of classes have fun abilities that change their gameplay as endcaps there. Not all but some. They buffed it a bunch but it’s still not fun
i think it can work with the havoc puddle and just gets tons of hits
destro can 100-0 you with or with outcasting just w/e they feel like doing
you really havent, its on average 2% of your damage.
edit: more like 3%
next time it happens i’ll SS it and send it directly to you.
pls do. Unless destro has an unexpected interaction that we dont know about, over a longer game its go to 2-3% of dmg
Here you go, solo shuffle just now on my dk alt, two different rounds there. both around 2 min 30 seconds
pic 1 - 375k out of 450k was to players
pic 2 - 200k of the 246k was done to me, no pet cleave
it is a super rng ability. Some games its my second top damage or third as affy its literally just how much it procs. Some games it doesnt proc at all. On avg for affy its 86-120 total for 1 proc. Its higher for destro/demo cause of other modifiers. But yea its a super rng ability that u cant even LOS.
thats weird, and probably a weird destro interaction with cleave/havoc.
This is obviously a short game, and that fel barrage damage is higher than what I get on demo over 6 min+ games.
And yeah, just checked, it is much higher for destro than demo. Mine are around 2-3% of total damage.
mastery + fire damage buff from conflag maybe?
Yeah Chanimal mentioned it seems to spawn less for Demo than Destro. That or the range was messing with it since Demo can be further out that Destro, Making it not damage people as much on dem.
I don’t think this ability is much of a problem tbh. I basically never see Destro (Since most locks are Dem to not blow up) and they are the ones that seem to have it do the most damage.
Tbh i’m not a fan of accidental random damage that can be this variable. Especially since 80 % of destros kit is instant cast now