Why is fandral so mad at tyrande?

every single time I click on him he complains about her :frowning:


Go level 2 more times and find out!

Imagine being so lazy you can’t even level a retail toon past spawn AND post in the wrong forums


I mean with how things turned out, I guess he was right all along. Shame the devs wanted him to be evil. Cause anyone who’s a hardss must be evil amiright?


I mean… spoilers, but he was worse than what Tyrande is doing. He’s evil even in vanilla.

Spoilers and all that.

Even after Cata Staghelm was never really evil until he was spirited away by a twilight cultist. They just took advantage of his extremely poor state to turn him into one of them. Poor guy probably could’ve recovered if they’d got him to moonglade.

But prior to that, Staghelm was never explicitly stated to be evil, only implied that he had fallen from grace. (with good reason since this was during the scepter chain and Staghelm was the one responsible for it being shattered in the first place). It made sense that they didn’t want him to know they were putting it back together again.

Still there was no reason to suspect it. There’s a video floating around saying that Staghelm was betraying everyone even during the war, which makes absolutely no sense since he helped seal the Qiraj in.

So yeah. It seems implied he was doing bad things, but he hadn’t done anything wrong yet. Heck even in the “Stormrage” novel he wasn’t even described as such. He was just tricked into believing his son was alive and did bad things as a result.

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I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Fandral has pretty much always had plans behind the scenes to control the Night Elf people - he was arrogant and xenophobic, and pressured Tyrande to ensure Night Elven superiority. Even in vanilla we had the Morrowgrain research, and prior to it we had Teldrassil’s dubious origins as he waited until Malfurion fell into the dream to approach the subject with the Circle - but didn’t even talk to the Aspects until it had already grown, so it wouldn’t be blessed. All of that was intentional, as in the novel he was tricked into thinking his son was alive and put into motion Xavius’s plans.

Just because he was being tricked doesn’t mean he wasn’t evil. He was doing bad things since before WoW was even launched. It was due to him that we’ve had many problems, and even if he was, “taken advantage of” in a weakened state he still did what he did.

Fandral wasn’t a good person, or even a neutral person. He was evil. Prior to the War of the Shifting Sands (not sure how he was working against the war effort though) he may have been good (if arrogant), but after that he wasn’t. And that was almost a thousand years ago. Heck, to show his arrogance and foolishness, he also created Andrassil, which was on top of Yogg’Saron’s tomb. That created the Emerald Nightmare.

I don’t really think Tyrande’s actions are close to what Fandral achieved - on purpose or not.

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Did he turn into a firecat and eat you?

Perhaps you should google evil?

Isn’t Fandral using the Morrowgrain that the players giving him to keep Malfurion and the other druids asleep and trapped in the Emerald Dream till he can finally take over without interference?

In the current Lore he was manipulated by Xavius into grafting part of the nightmare onto teldrassil (pretending to be his son) and using morrowgrain because he believed it would cleanse Teldrassil, but it turned out to be spreading the nightmare.

Lmao Im glad im not the only one who noticed this doing morrowgrain research

The Morrowgrain Research quest lines demonstrates one of my favorite things about Classic. Horde side the Tauren realize pretty early on that Morrowgrain is bad stuff. Then they find out that the Alliance are gathering it in vast quantities for an unknown purpose. All they know is that it’s bad, and The Alliance are using it for something, when in reality the Alliance players, and even Fandral, are convinced it’s doing good. Just little manipulations of perspectives like this that the original storytellers used to make the opposite factions seem nefarious to each other. You don’t see subtle stuff like this anymore in retail WoW, it’s all just heavy-handed black and white, good and evil.

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Have you not read Chronicle? Even as a young druid, Fandral was reckless and susceptible to manipulation from outside forces. From the start, he was obsessed with growing new world trees. He is the one who is responsible for Vordrassil: you know, the one that wound up being infested by Yogg-Saron, and had to be destroyed – but not before becoming the root cause of the Emerald Nightmare.

While Fandral was not an explicitly evil person per se, I’d call him a very weak one. And it was yet another mistake made by Malfurion to elevate him to archdruid seemingly based on powers alone when he had multiple instances of extremely bad judgment in his past.


She turned off his football game to watch some Housewives marathon.

Because she has no idea how to lead our people.

in wow bad and insane are synonyms.

I love lore threads, wish there were more of them. :slight_smile: