Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

Not to mention the mix of High Elf DNA as well w.r.t Faerin.

Yes, writers like to make up transparent rationalizations for things like this. But everyone knows it makes no common sense, and they’re doing it for real world left wing political reasons, and because they’re racist.

Right, the humans and high elves that left to form the Empire interbred and mixed to the point where they aren’t humans or elves any more, but a new race that has elements of both.

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Yeah…honestly the Lothar name only matters for ONE line. Where Anduin recognizes the name, and she says she comes from a noble family. And he tells her about the Lothar he was named for and how he was a great hero. And she says she was fascinated to learn that her family line had continued in the old world. That’s it.

Couldn’t just leave one thread polluted with your garbage you had to jump into another one huh?


But he didn’t… They share a common ancestor in the past.

Didn’t think people would be so angry over a black woman existing in a video game
Wish she was more attractive in the cinematic tho yeesh


There’s people living in my city right now with my rather uncommon family name that I have no close relation to. Heck, I probably couldn’t tell my parents’ cousins from a bar of soap. Same thing with Anduin Lothar and Faerin. Same name, no close relation.


Au contraire.

Just people showing us who they really are. I’m not surprised. I’m sad about it, but not surprised.

Saying “Netflixed”, “Disneyfied”, “Woke” etc are just code words for they added to many women and people of color and their systematically (and some times blatantly) racist and sexist mind can’t handle it

And then when called out on it they either double down or switch to “bad writing” which can sometimes be true but often isn’t


The heck are you talking about?

Making Faerin is “racist?” What sort of twitter brain rot is this?


I didn’t find her as an unbearable character like Rey or Velma, but it’s clear that she’s there just to score points for a political agenda.

White males: totes fine
Non white, non male: pOlItIcAl AgEnDa


I only have one bit of constructive criticism regarding her in the cinematic. The cinematic didn’t really adequately convey her relative youth, and the fact that she is more or less a rookie lamplighter when we meet her. That’s not all bad…but it gave the impression that she’s the leader of an army when she really isn’t, at least not at first. This only affects the cinematic. In-game she’s fine and I like her character a lot more than I expected to. The cinematic gave me a wrong impression that she would be a grizzled veteran rather than the much more down to earth person she is.

It wouldn’t have been a problem if she had been a grizzled veteran, but that’s not the direciotn her character took.

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I figure this will eventually turn into a Seanchan thing as the Emperor sails to reclaim his ancestral home in some future patch or xpac.

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As I keep saying, what annoys me the most is…

That damn stupid shield and… Whatever the hell that mini lance-sword weapon thing is! Holy hell it’s irritatingly stupid :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Where did it say she was Anduin Lothar’s daughter? The only mention of him was that Anduin Wrynn told her he named after him.

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Funny thing about last names is that not everyone that shares a last name is related.

Names are funny like that :dracthyr_shrug:


“What’s with all the racism guys? Can’t we just go back to good old fashioned misogyny?”


Shh, we share a last name now. You are family. You can never leave. You can never escape. Family…


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