Why is everyone defending the LFD decision an underleveled alt?

That’s exactly what I thought when you posted this. That’s why we’re having this conversation.

I guess you missed the title and opening post. The OP wasnt being shy about it - cant say Im surprised you missed it.

You decided to post something stupid and hypocritical because the first post was incorrect and exaggerated?

When Feywaif talks about stupid posts I pay attention as he is somewhat of an expert in the field.

I was just giving the OP back what they dished out as a way to highlight how little posts like that accomplish. Completely justifiable. Then you wanna talk about me cuz you got nothing better to say or do.

Carry on.

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I’ve posted to several other people while talking to you. But I’m wondering, you’re talking to me why?

You engaged me first with a question to open up a dialogue about your feels and the part I played in shaping them so you can use that as a springboard to launch your usual barrage of personal attacks because you’re not as interested in discussion as you are on the hunt for opportunities to put people down.

Im responding to you so that would be readers are made aware of your posting habits and dont make the same mistake I do by entertaining you.

At this point I’m just convinced blizzards using the minority of LFD trolls to justify them being greedy and trying to push people to spend $60 on multiple toons to boost them.

No LFD for 15-68 dungeons? Not even able to get a guildy or some random mage on the server to help you quickly level? sucks to be you if you want to level an alt! Enjoy grinding quests all the way to 68 without seeing the inside of a dungeon more than prehaps a half dozen times (If you are lucky)… or you can save all that “Time” and buy a “Time saver” in the form of a boost for the low low price of $60 to send you straight to level 70!

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Because I saw your post

And I thought it was funny you feel fit to judge with the amount of mud you flung around. I told you that before. Try to keep up

Wow, what a great reason.

I said that. It should be flattering that the best you could do is just fire a direct quote right back at me like you made it up but Im afraid your quest for justice is just gonna have to wait for another thread.

Im totally justified because the OP fired the first salvo and Im allowed to respond in kind. Turn about is fair play. I played within the rules. One would think a self proclaimed genius like yourself would understand how this all works.

Then, again, you just want to talk about me and what a bad guy I am while judging me for judging that Im not even doing. Then call me a hyprocrite.

You cant make up how bad you are at this.

I post what I think. You post what you think. There is no judge or jury to administer judgement. There’s no quest for justice. I don’t guest for something that doesn’t exist here.

Gets into World of Warcraft. Can’t be bothered to level without carries.

killing boars is EZPZ

I don’t level with carries.

Nice strawman you have there.

Questing endlessly for 68 levels is boring after you’ve been doing it for 10+ years though.

Not that I expect much out of a level 12 alt just spamming the forums and trolling.

You can’t even seem to kill boars right.

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You straight up went after me for a not at all threatening response in a clickbait thread.

The OPs post and title is purposefully inciteful but somehow you wanna single me out over a silly response because you got some axe to grind.

If its boring don’t play. I’m hardly spamming either considering I’ve made like 3 posts lol.

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i think lfd should come as it did in wrath, with the release of ICC.

I don’t care.
No one cares. You can post with your main, your retail, your alt.

It doesn’t matter.
There is absolutely no reason at all for LFD being in the game unless Blizzard wants easy money and not delivering it.

As a full time business owner and father and husband i get little to to game and the LFD was what i was most looking forward to in WOTLK. its been such a frustrating time in TBC getting groups for a casual player like myself. So much that im considering going to the new drago nexpac just so i an get groups easier and enjoy playing. not spend hours looking for groups and besides there are addons that do close to LFD so why not jsut put the damn LFD tool into the game. christ its not breaking the community. the bots and gold sellers do that already.

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Leveling is boring.

Always has been, always will be.

End game content is where the fun is at.

Quest grinding through 68 levels to get to relevant content is boring as hell yes.

What a shocker, the least engaging part of the game is boring, and blizzard removing tools to mix it up is a negative. :roll_eyes:

Not that someone who hasn’t even gotten out of their starting zone would know.

They would not be complaining if they had not levelled a character in Classic anything.

I’m fine with it either way. Wrath is where it came in but it was later on in the expansion so it’s not like we didn’t play it originally without it.

I personally hoped it would mimic Wrath, which atm it appears to be, so I’m ok with that.

The only thing I really cared about having lfd for was for lower level dungeons.