Why is Eonar in Antorus still so difficult to solo in 2024?

The rest of this raid is as legacy content should be; easily soloable for geared, max lvl characters. Most trash is one-shot, most bosses go down in short order, even on mythic.

So why are we still being forced through the awfully designed, pointless, randomly unsoloable fight that is Mythic Eonar just to continue progressing with legacy content released in 2018? It would be trivial to correct this encounter to be comparable with the rest of the raid (increase health pool, decrease add rate or damage, remove unsoloable mechanics) or make it an optional encounter in the progression of the raid overall if for whatever reason it can’t be fixed. Why is Blizzard still wasting players’ time with this terrible content SIX YEARS after release? It was bad enough when it was new, nobody is still playing it for any reason other than transmogs, and what is the point of legacy content mode if you don’t actually tool legacy content correctly to be effectively soloable?

The least y’all could do is do us the courtesy of putting one single gram of brain power into the things we pay you tens of millions of dollars a year to make. I’d say “unbelievable”, but this is the pathetic standard players have been tolerating from Blizzard for years.


It can be soloed though, did it on my shaman weekly for the nice set and Argus mount.

Is it a pita? Yes. Is it impossible? No.

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They’re notorious for being extremely slow moving on things like this. At this rate I’m not even confident they will apply the legacy buff to BFA at all, let alone go back to Legion and fix Eonar.


Yes, but honestly the current situation is worse than it being reliably impossible to solo; if it was always impossible I wouldn’t waste my time in the first place. I have soloed it successfully in the past, but not for any reason other than luck. My point is that having it be soloable but full of random factors that ruin individual attempts regardless of how you handle it (how things spawn during the ship phase while you’re inside, how and when the crystal debuffs proc) is considerably worse because there isn’t any space to improve. There could be some fun in perfecting a method to solo it, but when the major factor is the rng it becomes an unnecessary chore that could be remedied in so many simple ways that at some point the only excuse is greed.

I know complaining is unlikely to change anything, but especially if Blizzard intends to continue to push us to revisit legacy content, if my only recourse is to tell them how terrible their product is then I will dang well do that.

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All it boils down to for me when it comes to blizzard not doing proper fixes/nerfs to content goes like this

1.They Wont Nerf/Fix something like a dungeon or raid boss until it suits them or will keep it the same way it was when it was current to keep player interaction a thing for that type of content.

  1. They are just to lazy/busy doing the latest or future expansion to worry about fixing something such as Eonar’s Mythic challenge to get on the ship kill the adds click all the things and make it back in time not to wipe even to make it not trigger for a solo run (As in blizzard not bothering to put these sort of triggers in the game so when you enter a dungeon or raid solo the game turns off mechanics that prevent you from killing any boss) which they could easily do but have chosen not too yet they made every raid boss on mythic for BFA soloable but neglect to fully finish Legion Even up to this patch 10.2.6/7.5 Mythic Kil’Jaeden was very hard to burn down before he phase changed but now days you can burn him down a bit faster, So the fact they have not Fixed Eonar to (A Not trigger the sentinax or whatever it is mechanic when its being solo’d or B)Just flat out remove the ability from the fight if it is not tied to any Achievement .

To wrap it up Blizzard for the longest time and most likely going forward will continue to be slack on fixing nerfing and buffing players and content and will continue to give us the most lazy reasons such as what Ion said a few months ago that BFA content will become easier with Gear but not a single word about actually Nerfing the content to levels like Warlords Or Mist’s of Pandaria which by now BFA 100% should be and Shadowlands which is currently still without Legacy Loot for no good reason needs to be getting the nerf bat for all difficulties just like BFA did so all boss on all Difficulties in all raids are soloable and the 2 bosses in the 2 dungeons that are A)Slow to solo due to a mechanic not working properly when its being solo’d and B) the other dungeon boss kicking you down to a different area and when you get there he resets so you cant kill it for a mount chance . Not seeing fixes for them and a Myriad of other issues I and countless others have given them and constantly re update them on juts goes to show you howlazy they are and how little care they have about every expansion including the one we are in right now which is Dragonflight. Peole can say what they like but the general consensus for this expansion was summed up by a post I found on here that still resonates with me and that was Dragonflight is Just a filler Expansion. That post can be searched for on here if you want to read into it among other similar ones. I really hope they start doing better by us as a community and not just do the same crap they have done for almost a decade now which has not worked and none of you here can tell me otherwise.

In case you, or anyone else is still struggling to solo Mythic Eonar. I was struggling horribly to defeat the encounter, even when following the very specific strategy that all guide videos use to the T, until I stumbled upon a comment below one of the videos on YouTube that said the trick is to ignore Eonar’s commands to go through her portals to the ship for the SECOND TIME(you still have to do it the first time) to destroy the 4 colored crystals again, and instead, fly across the ruins to the low north door and just kill the enemies that spawn there, and you’ll beat it.

Even though that was the exact point in the encounter when Eonar kept dying on me, when in the ship for the second time to take care of the crystals, I still was skeptical at first when reading their comment because I had just failed the encounter like 15 times in a row and was about to give up, but sure enough, I followed the commenter’s instructions and the encounter quickly ended, with me victorious this time.

Maybe I was just lucky, I’m definitely in no hurry to try again to see if doing this works every single time, but as quickly as it finished when doing this, I’m confident it’s the secret to beating it every time. Hope it works for whoever is hopelessly stuck on her like I was!

TL;DR - Ignore Eonar’s commands to enter the Legion ship for the >SECOND< time to destroy the 4 colored crystals and instead just hunt down and kill the enemies that spawn in the ruins and you’ll beat it.

Edited: I ran Antorus again this past Tuesday and this method worked again with zero issues.


I don’t think it is that hard at all. All you need is one movement ability and the ship phase is extremely easy. Watch a guide before you run it if you need to know the route to take. I’ve done it on my Warlock a handful of times, so if it can be done on that class, it can be done on any.

Can you explain it? Never did Antorus. Everything in Eonar’s area is friendly and it’s empty.

Edit: Lol yeah this is obscene. Just make it so you kill a robot and the encounter ends or something.

Zero reason for this encounter to be this way in what is now ancient, farmable, solo content.


i think theyre keeping it like that to waste players time for time played metrics. At this point people have complained enough that there is 0% chance they dont know about it

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Yeah just remove all the stupid debuffs, especially the knock u up in the air debuff… seriously blizz, just fix this outlier.


Blizzard finally fixed!

Eonar finished after just killing some adds (first part of first phase).

Also the bugged encounter with Imonar is fixed, I killed him with just one hit, I think Blizzard decreased his life pool a lot so he wouldn’t get in the air and start all the problematic phase.

But Kin’garoth is still bugged, kill him spamming your right mouse click to get the loot as soon as he dies, otherwise you won’t be able to reach his corpse.

Let’s continue farming the mount.

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