Why is Enhancement Stormbringer not based around Stormstrike?

Really don’t see how they missed an opportunity like that.

ele doesn’t have stormstrike?

Was talking about enhance. I just think it’s weird that enhance, the melee spec, gets based around lightning bolt.

but the spec needs to work with ele as well, so it needs to use something they have in common.

True, but there’s a bunch of opportunities in the choice nodes to make it more important. Tempest is good for enhance for sure, but we shouldn’t ignore the melee spec’s only lightning melee ability. Stormstrike is already weird cause it doesn’t do stormstrike damage, and it’s barely represented the hero tree.

I dunno, I hope they make it more integral to the stormbringer tree.

…Crash Lightning?

Would like if they made that more important too honestly.

You sure you want a tree focused around a builder?

It’s what Elemental has, and we’re trying to get some attention to get it looked at.


TBH I’d like it if stormstrike wasn’t just a builder and did actual damage


tbh the way I imagined stormbringer before it was out was a spec that literally brough storms into fight. not tempest

I imagine it was going to be a mostly passive things that interacted with all out lighting themed spells and maybe made some of our other ones into lighting based.

I imagined something like every stack of maelstrom spent both for enh and ele. would literally create clouds around your character/target would create clouds that followed them. every time you use a lighting based attack (lighting bolt, chain lighting, storm strike, lightning shield retaliating, ascendance for enhance) it would refresh the duration or extend it.

It would make some of our other abilities also have a storm effect to help with this as well. for example:

Storm strike extends the duration of clouds and creates new ones
Sundering now does nature damage and has a lighting strike at the end of it
feral lunge now dashes forward faster also damaging enemies in your path and causing a lighting strike at the end
ascendance now turns u into palpatine from star wars

lightning bolt can be cast while moving by default
earthquake now called calamity. creates clouds above also causing lighting strikes at the same time.
earth shock causes a lightning strike on the target after a small delay. storm elemental creates X clouds above target when summoned.

and then things that affect both:
after taking X hits while lighting shield is active, create an aura around the shaman that causes nature damage and decreases damage taken by X%
spirit walk/gust of wind cd can be reduced with every msw spent
thunder storm cd is reduced by X second
capacitor totem creates clouds above all targets hit with a cap

These are the kind of things I expected but we just got a new lightning bolt and some msw gain which I dont think was ever a problem with how fast we already get maelstrom on both specs I think at least.

I think making Stormbringer focused around lightning bolt was the right choice. It forces the storm build to care about resources and eliminates an aspect of the build that doesn’t feel right to most people.

That said, Stormstrike is still important to the tree. It is the primary source of msw to fuel Tempests and is one of the three abilities that can proc Awakening Storms. The ability is well represented in the tree.


It doesn’t need to because it largely meant to work with one of our build that is entirely based around pressing Stromstrike and crying if you can’t hit Stormstrike.