Why Is Dragonflight World PvP lackluster joke compared to BFA?

Good luck with that.

Donā€™t look at me! Iā€™m not the reason people donā€™t want to play with you.

Thatā€™s a weird take. As my pvp server was 50/50 ratio between horde and alliance for a decade and wpvp-rp was its entire focal point. Maybe your server was just a onesided one but warmode killed off my server and caused most people to leave or quit. Seems the opposite of what you experienced.


wPVP in DF is a blast. Sit on a perch, wait for a horde player to fly by, release follow, kill. Most fun in wPVP I have had in WOW. Very fun to follow, especially if they spot you and try to get away. Of course occasionally I wind up following a beast, which is still fun. donā€™t PVP if you are afraid to die.

Wing shredder doesnā€™t really work that well and its kind of buggy.

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Agree. dragon wrangling one is best one


World pvp now has a currency and two pvp sets. Thereā€™s also a vendor that sells consumables for that currency. The air drop crates also have stuff in them including conquest. World quests have rewards too.

Thatā€™s more than just ā€œ2 honorā€. What rewards are you expecting that we donā€™t already get? The reward has always been the gameplay in world pvp.

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Where does wpvp happen in dragonflight? I havent seen any wpvp at all during this expansion


Pretty much only in FFA areas. Everywhere else (for instance supply crates) itā€™s alliance as far as the eye can see, at least on EU servers. People like to have it easy, so they flock to the faction with the biggest population.

(& they probably wonder from the combined power of both of their braincells why they canā€™t find any horde to kill to get some wpvp going)

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Call to Arms quest in BFA was very fun. Also gave gear and conquest. Would sit in a tree in Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Net-o-Matic players haha


What stops all the world pvprs running around with war mode on ?

Do the pvp quests in whichever zone has the weekly sparks quest.

Other than that the pickings are slim. You can get into the odd 1 vs 1 just by flying around. Might not be worth your time though.

Thatā€™s not good enough for me. I used to give Ruin and Cryptids a lot of crap but they actually kept the dream of WPvP alive, even if it was a nightmare. A nightmare is better than nothingness.

I donā€™t think the rewards are the issue.

Iā€™m the type of person that does things if they are fun whether there are rewards or not. The reward comes from the fun. And guess what? WPVP is not fun because you have an added layer of complexity from all the weird buffs that can make you nearly invincible. Sure, it can be fun to acquire these things once in awhile, but in order to do decent you need to have them most of the time.

And on top of that, wpvp is full of lame stealthers. Hunters in camo are the worst. And the supply crates drop in predictable spots so there is always a group of stealthers around most of those chests. Itā€™s bad enough dealing with hunters using camo in battlegroundsā€¦ but to deal with them in wpvp on top of the numerous imbalanced fights where you are massively outnumbered a lot of the time is NOT my idea of fun. No amount of rewards will make me want to deal with that.

As with many games that have any kind of world pvpā€¦ stealth always ruins it because most players will flock to the invisible stealthy classes.

u hardly find people

The only thing that could possibly save world pvp at this point is to go full FFA (to make faction unbalance moot) and even then, the immense spread of players caused by world quests since legion will always be a problem.

Several dozens of ally last night. Every air drop/ time rift even the FFA. It took me a while to get all my sparks going through and around all of them solo. I did a /who a couple times in Thaldrazsus*. It was just me. I had hoped being reset day Iā€™d see more people but Nope. Iā€™m gonna blame sharding again until someone comes on and says they were over run by the Horde.

/who only shows players who are the same server as you, they wonā€™t show cross realm players.

Didnā€™t know that. Thanks for the info. But it was still sadly pretty accurate. Saw just a few horde players the whole evening around the time rift and thatā€™s it

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Then i would say that a very very very high majority just donā€™t care about it or they would /shrug