Why is dh damage disgusting atm?

I had the rank 1 dh in 2’s the other day raging at me in whispers cause I played pres/fury into his dh/disc. They went into a tirade about how dh was the second worst mele next to WW and stuff, was quite funny seing the copium. Dude literally did over double the wars damage every game (altho this make sense due to ms and stuff) but still huyge copium to the DH’s that think DH is garbage tier right now, its fine.


Same except Mistweaver. :dracthyr_love_animated:


getting massive buffs today instead lol

Thats just epic. Same person x’D

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got several of those r1 rages.

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That’s my boy Remixxed. A rough outer shell but a good guy once you break through :dracthyr_heart:

The mans got a hate bon3r for warriors. And a pretty high ego about his 2v2 rating. I’m not much better but your boys gotta chilll mannggg

My Monk felt bad because we thought it was us playing fear break and fistweaver then going Disc so he went caster then we won again but apparently he just wasn’t a fan of me playing Fury.

Seems to be the common theme here :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

When people don’t know that buffs went in last week under class tuning instead of PTR notes for .7 we get people spreading misinformation. Only DH buff today is Vengeance damage increase by 4%.


this whole comment is full of random and i dig it

I never knew this. I was wondering wth was going on with the damage. So they already got the 15% damage increase to certain abilities?

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Oh I do! I’ll never forget that game where Kennie taunted me with a “I’m so smart”; after my feral died in 10 seconds going on a Rambo mission.

Since then I’ve been trying to be less toxic. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Okay buddy I forgive you.

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It just seemed like a good idea at the time and I was really surprised it worked but that Feral was going IN.

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It was probably my fault. I wanted to play safe and he wanted to play aggressive. Should have just followed him.

Yea 2 weeks ago actually 27th class tuning.

knew u were broken. lol.