Why is Dev evoker not being changed?

Are we going to see any real improvements to dev evoker? Dev evoker has been bad in M+ since it was released. Instead of improving it they released aug evoker which completely destroyed the meta and made devastation a joke. Blizzard what are you doing over there?

im convinced they made Aug evoker to cater to their mage mains. Because we all know all Blizzard devs are mage mains.

You can make Devastation as good at DPS as you want and it will still not be taken over augmentation so long as augmentation keeps its survival boost monopoly and a cheat death passive that the other two evokers don’t have.


Dev may as well be deleted. Aug should’ve been the second spec and evoker should’ve stayed a 2 spec class like DH until DH gets their chaos healing spec.


well isnt this just a salty thread


salty but true

for 98% of the content in this game dev is just fine. in fact aug can be a detriment since most people dont even play the class correctly.

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When a spec is played poorly, it’s detrimental to the group. More news at 11.

Aug should have been a tank spec


when an aug is played poorly its absolutely one of the worst offenders of this. at least with other classes they will do some dps even played badly but aug will just be a boat anchor.

This is absolutely not true. What is just fine? bottom in damage? competing with tanks for 3rd place in DPS? Thats not fine. Dev has been ignored ever since aug came out. and yet everyone hates aug.

if you are fighting the tank for damage than you are playing it wrong. just flat out.


Remove the % HP aura.

Remove the versatility buff.

Remove the main stat buff. Switch it to % damage done. Balance it for the DPS enhancement.

Change Defy Fate to be an Evoker passive, class tree capstone (baseline Tip the Scales and put Defy Fate in its place).

And then people might consider bringing Devastation evokers instead of Augmentation.

So long as Augmentation is the only spec in the game that not only buffs damage but group survivability and has a cheat death while the other evokers don’t, Devastation doesn’t stand a chance.

Remove the group survival utility and buffs. Buff the DPS enhancement so it brings the same DPS after buffs to the DPS are factored in.