Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

I hope blizzard stops cross faction raiding or any grouping tbh.

The horde literally burnt down an alliance city LOL and suddenly im raiding with a nightelf druid.

Like make it make sense?


have you never heard of the phrase, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

But gameplay trumps lore 10 out of 10 times.


The war is over

We’re all friends now. We expect you to hug at least 7 night elves before the week is over.

(Really though, this is just a gameplay thing)


You’re late.


Prohibiting people from playing with each other because they have chosen a different faction is archaic and bad for the long term health of the game. Prior to cross faction groups, the Alliance faction, as far as PvE is concerned, was dead. If you were playing on Alliance, your experience was exponentially worse than on Horde.

Gameplay first. Always.


Because a bunch of Alliance players who don’t even raid complained that the Hall of Fame was imbalanced.

(Seriously, that’s why.)

((And the REALLY funny part is that they implemented Hall of Fame to try and get raiding guilds to flip to Alliance, since it would be easier to qualify for Hall of Fame as Alliance. We told them it would have the opposite effect, but Blizzard didn’t listen. They never listen.))


LOL wow has been fine for the past 20 years thats been that way and i Think it would be fine if it stays that way.


To make up for a lack of players.


That’s not really why. Raiding on Alliance was painful compared to Horde, recruitment mostly came down to poaching, vulturing dead guilds, or trying to recruit and train up new raiders.

The merge, both cross faction play and cross faction guilds was completely necessary. Now I can play whatever faction I want, and be in any guild I want, and play with who ever I want without thinking about it.

It’s fantastic.

No, it wasn’t fine. Faction imbalance is very unhealthy for the game, you can see this on Classic servers right now, nearly every server is either Horde or Alliance dominant because players naturally congregate to the side that has the most players.

And we began to see in Wrath that the number of guilds doing the hardest stuff were quickly consolidating over on the Horde side.

Cross faction play means that anyone can play anything they want and play with whoever they want. It was necessary.


Here is a better question. The allies burned down a number of axis cities during WW II so how come four years later they were all NATO allies?

Remember the old saying, “Countries don’t have friends they have interests”.
Same goes for former Alliance and Horde.


It wasn’t painful, Alliance players just had this silly notion that everything was peaches and cream over on Horde side.

Every Alliance guild I know people in that transferred to Horde because they thought it would be better, ended up WORSE OFF after the transfer, because there was way more competition for players Horde-side.

Except Blizzard has zero incentive to fix how overpowered the Dwarf/Dark Iron racials are.

It wasnt just raiding. I have vivid memories of looking in the LFG tap looking for a mythic dungeon run prior to cross faction and seeing a grand total of 4.

Jumped to my horde toon and it was full.

Was truly a time.


It was painful, I recruited for years on Alliance, the talent pool was non-existent, the good players were in their guilds.

I agree, but that’s the difference, Horde recruitment was tough because there were lots of guilds looking for players, Alliance recruitment was tough because there were no players to recruit.

Additionally, every tier dozens of players would leave alliance to go play on Horde either to push for higher rankings, or do keys. By compassion it was nearly impossible to convince a Horde player to come play Alliance.

I don’t know if you ever saw what the alliance Group Finder looked like before cross faction play, but it was BARREN for mythic plus.

Can’t disagree with you here. I don’t dislike dwarf, but I don’t love that it’s basically mandatory.

The only benefit Alliance raiding had was that those of us in CE guilds had complete domination of the market when it came to sales. There was basically a massive Alliance sales cartel that controlled the price across the entire faction.

It made me very wealthy.

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If you really want painful, move your raid start time 4 hours later.

People who work 2nd shift - or can’t raid until after their kids are in bed - and live on the west coast have the biggest challenges when it comes to forming raid teams. And unlike people on the east coast who work late, we can’t dip into people 3 time zones to the west, except for the Hawaiians and the dolphins.

We’ve managed CE’s for 10 years as one of the last guilds in the world to raid every day, so I just have to chuckle at Alliance players who raid during prime time and complain about “how hard” it was.

I don’t mind raiding with Horde players. :heart: I don’t like the tree getting burned down, but - it’s just more players to potentially get to play with. :slight_smile:


Not changing. Especially with guilds being cross faction now and soon will be cross server. This is good for the long term health of the game and lets players play more with their friends.


Cross-server guilds are going to be a disaster, for guilds.

Blizzard hasn’t thought this through.

But that’s exactly the point! We raided the most mainstream raid hours you can imagine, and it was still impossible to find people to play with us entirely because we were on the wrong faction.

Most of the “non-standard hour” Alliance guilds died during BFA because the pool of players that existed to sustain their roster was so tiny, that it was completely unfeasible.


No they didn’t, there were plenty of CE Alliance guilds around.

Were there as many as there used to be? No, but there weren’t as many Horde guilds, either, Ion’s really done a number on raiding since he took over in Legion.

funnily enough, it’d probably be the other way around at the high end because nelf/dwarf has become so dominant