Why is Convoke not being addressed?

You are the one making the fuss about it - heading - why is convoke not being addressed?

If you don’t want that to happen why did you even make this thread and then suggest to others they can use another covenant? You sure seem like the bad guy here.

Ya for real. Screw rogues…

Its shockingly common how much people on forums see something one person says and it immediately becomes EVERYONE IS SAYING, and then they get confused why different people have opposite opinions. lol

Fuss? Players are dying in less then 1/2 a second and this is surprising that people are bothered by it?

How am I the bad guy? I’m getting non-stop trolled and flagged by druids for no other reason then I don’t want players, or myself, to be actually globaled. What I don’t want to happen is for the ability to be completely gutted. I think it can be balanced. There has already been a lot of good suggestion this thread.

But honest question, how am I the bad guy? Each post I respond to with the same level of respect as shown to me. If someone can’t do that, I’m not above responding the same way.

Look at how many people in this thread are attacking me just based on the fact I’m posting on my hunter. People actually saying that hunters are OP, despite them getting nerfed weeks ago.

People are actually FINE with the idea of doing enough damage that a player can actually die in a global. Before it’s even possible to react…

Then dont ignore the facts when spouting your opinion.

Fact. Boomkin has virtually zero representation in MDA.

Fact. There are only 2 Balance Druids in the top 100 3v3 leaderboards.

Fact. Boomkins are not OP. Convoke is fine. Learn to play.

If your UI didn’t bother me so much I would support you.

Yea everyone. Just l2p the ability that can kill you in under a 1/2 second.

So because of representation on specific ladder, within a small range makes it okay for boomkin to go around 1 shotting people?

fAcT: poor logic, conflation, and strawmanning— and more logical fallacies.

Yup, because it proves OP point null and void. If it was broken, people would be abusing it to get to high rankings and win tournaments. They arent, thus its not.

So again. LEARN. TO. PLAY.

How is dying before you can even kick or use a defensive a learn 2 play issue? you aren’t even making any sense.

Please, something constructive instead of that tiresome vitriol

I get kicked plenty of times. In fact, im lucky to get a convoke off 1 out of every 5 games.

Sounds like you are just bad.

You get kicked sometimes and that makes me bad? ok… means a lot coming from a 1300 2’s druid,. maybe try adjusting your positioning when you convoke/open

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Im not a PVPer. I just do it for fun and weekly’s. And guess what? If i can get countered by 1300s, how bad does that make YOU?

It makes you atrocious to be 1350 on a boomkin lmao.


Imagine telling someone else they’re bad when you don’t even know how to get a convoke off. Do you not play with a palidan for free convoke casts? Aura Mastery. BoP. Depending on the comp, you can completely avoid getting kicked. This is arena 101 stuff. Do you not use an interrupt bar? Do you not CC? Do you not know how to cross CC? Do you not have Cyclone bound?

You’re saying you’re lucky to get 1 in 5 off and you’re calling someone else bad. You literally can’t get a 4 second cast off and you’re calling other people bad?

Lol. imagine the dude who cant interrupt a 4s channel FROM RANGE telling others to use interrupts and CCs.

YOU. ARE. BAD. What is so difficult about this to understand?

Pros arent using Convoke. Its not broken. Just admit you suck and move on with your life.

“JuSt kIcK cOnVoKe. iTs sO EaSy tO cOuNtEr.”


:point_up: This guy gets it.

“Pro’s arent using convoke.”

I must’ve dreamed multiple boomkins in the AWC finals. Maybe it was the twilight zone.


I just explained to you how you can avoid being kicked. You seriously don’t understand how this works. You shouldn’t be wasting Convoke when the other team can kick it. Again, this is arena 101 stuff.

They just did in the AWC.