Why is "Clash" CD 1 minute?

Warrior can go to the target with Charge (2 charges 17 sec CD)
DK can bring the target to then with Death Grip (2 charges 25 sec CD)
Monk’s Clash meets those 2 abilities halfway, but has 1 charge and 1 min CD?

If this is because it roots enemies for 4 seconds, let’s just reduce that (Charge roots for 1 sec btw)

Would love to use Clash on my Brewmaster, I think it’s a very fun ability, but with 1 min CD it’s just not worth the keybind and the talent point

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My guess is because it’s a single target displacement ability and an aoe root. Not an issue in pve but pvp would probably make it an issue.

It’s more than likely tuning for PvP that bled into PvE


Because it’s an absurdly powerful charge ability that also force-displaces the person being targeted on a very mobile class.

You can Clash from below Z-Axis and it will make the target run half a mile to path towards you.

The fact it even went live on a 45s cooldown is insane to me. 1m is where it should be at.

Delete this before they ruin it !