Why is Bobby Kotick still a thing?

I see about a former assistant 16 years ago.

National Legal and Policy Center Demands Coca-Cola Remove Bobby Kotick From Board of Directors

ht tps://www.nlpc.org/corporate-integrity-project/nlpc-demands-coca-cola-remove-besieged-gaming-ceo-from-its-board/

It’s a great time to buy ATVI stocks /shrug

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Your exactly right wink wink. People have made fortunes off ATVI stock swings. Buy the rumor sell the news.


He said “Im going to destroy you.” He meant that in court. Taken clearly out from context, but does not clearly sound like something you should say to another human being if you were normal person.

That’s a slippery slope. If you want to care about Kotick’s business morales, do you also care about global pollution and how you’re part of that. Cuz face it, if you’re born into “first-world” westernized anything, you’re automatically guilty and part of the problem.


He shouldn’t be. He has overseen the worst decline in game quality I’ve ever seen.

His successes are from companies they bought out. Not really an innovative type and it shows now more than ever.

That fact that the Op got flagged tells you everything you need to know. Does anyone really even want to play this game anymore with the kind of people that play this game?

I don’t know man, i really dislike him but tbh he got into the CEO position of Activision (back Mediagenic) 30 years ago when it was about to go bankrupt and look how big is that company now as Activision-Blizzard.

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Kotick got to where he was by buying yet that is now quickly becoming useless due to scandals!

What the Company needs is a leader with better Morals than Kotick yet still willing to buy as many things as possible on top of licensing things out!

You buried the lead there, chief.

So, what about murlocs?

You like them? You hate them? You find their mmmrrrgggllll cry annoying?

You just got that relatively new blue baby murloc battle pet?

You’re upset about the murloc baby transmog item in the store?

Please explain exactly what’s your deal about murlocs. Don’t leave us hanging, chief!

/moo :cow:

… Scandals which likely can be shrugged off unless some actual lasting financial damage happens.

I think that people who are allowed to be bosses need training and a license issued by the public. Because bad bosses cause tons of damage to the environment and people’s lives.

And if we did issue license’s we could have revoked this guy’s license a long friggen time ago.

Dear Diary…

Actually, maybe you should go post on your blog, it might get more traction.

Maybe the real goal is for murlocs to run the company?

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Maybe they already do.

It would explain a lot of things.

/moo :cow:

Only the board of directors can remove him, and the board of directors is made of his friends and others who were hand-picked for that position because they will not rock the boat.

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