Why is Black Powder not an Outlaw ability?

I’m actually so confused, literally the aesthetic of Outlaw, and mechanically is actually what Outlaw requires to be competitive with AOE, also works extremely well with the combo generation of Outlaw.

Furthermore sub actually doesn’t even use Black Powder anymore, and now has a passive Blade Flurry, so Blizzard, lets start patching the class please.


Detach outlaw’s need for vanish/stealth.


All ten people that enjoy Hill Billy Subtlety thunder their pudgy fingers across their mechanical keyboards to deny you.

Roll for an Agility check.


The devs still think Sub = ninja so that is why black powder was pushed into Sub class fantasy.

But as we can see Outlaw thematically fits black powder better: Bandit/Outlaw/Treasure hunter/Pirate, Combat (at arms), etc.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I don’t disagree that thematically would make sense for Outlaw to have black powder as well but just as a correction Sub does in fact heavily use black powder for PVE for AoE.

Deathstlsker uses it as the defacto AoE finisher outside of darkest night Elvis.

Trickster still uses it for AoE and in fact as an optimization actually uses for single target kekw to line up coup which is a feels bad interaction :laughing:

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That’s odd, I was trying sub for TWW and black powder wasn’t mentioned on AOE scenarios in the guides, but hey again, not sure why outlaw can’t have it too.

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It could. Your viewpoint is correct, it just doesnt come across correctly when it comes from a place of jealousy/envy.

Sub rogue got BF in one of their hero talent trees.
Outlaw definitely could have received an AoE finisher as well in a hero talent tree to even things out.

Calling for the ability to be removed from Sub and given to Outlaw is cringe. People love their singular specs so much theyre practically causing fights with players of other specs just to get what they want. We are all dealing with similar issues and some people are just so incredibly childish in their denial of that.

Oh I guess the way I said it can be misconstrued as wanting it to be removed from sub, not my intention, I’m all for buffs to all rogue specs, not just one, I’m a rogue, not Outlaw.


I was more referring to the first response in this thread.

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He’s right. Even if Sub needs an AoE finisher Blackpowder doesn’t make sense.

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