Why is BfA so hated?

painfully so.

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I hope for this often.

The thing is, I’m sick and tired of temporary power. It began creeping forward in MoP with the cloak, then WoD with the ring, got really bad in Legion and got worse in BfA. I want to have something of permanence, not something that’ll disappear at the end of the expansion. These rent a powers aren’t fun or engaging at all. And Shadowlands has more of it, no matter what they bring back.

I’m worried Ion won’t learn that people want actually class updates; new talents or abilities that actually last. It doesn’t feel like anyone there is learning…


Not actually true. I know players who do hate BFA but dont post here ever.


Just like we all loved WoD when Legion dropped? Ain’t gonna happen.


If they really hated it they wouldn’t be online saying ingame they hated it they would just leave the game instead imho.

I loved bfa casually for about two months.

WQ,and mount farm is ruined by pathfinder, youll be burned out farming rep on the ground.

Azurite gear ruins endgame gear chase, benthic put that final nail in tje loot chase coffin. 50min in nazjatar removed any reward from dungeons and raids, granted you can study up for ubersweaty runs of the hardest difficulty for slightly better gear.

Personally i think cata was the worst as it permanantly made classic zones an ugly mess visually while removing the story reason behind it…unless you level lock i guess.

Pathfinder, the forced wq endgame, loot chase being destroyed all puts a sour take on BFA which had good questing and imo interesting zones. Dungeons are fun too.

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Too many crappy grinds, Pathfinder Part 2 took way too long to come around, not friendly for alts, gearing system in general was wonky for forever, and they gave PvP the ultimate shaft with the worst gearing system to date which includes the removal of PvP vendors. Oh, and classes feel like poop to play — huge issue here.


Definitely agree.
I remember in Legion wondering…‘is this the last expansion?’
It was wondering why we’d have a weapon like that if the game were going to continue beyond Legion. And if the game were continuing…were we keeping this god killer forever? Id HATE that. Much of my love for these games is adventuring and finding NEW crap to use.
pretty much why AP grinds are driving my hate meter off the gauge.

Does it?
If so, I guess its more of the ‘get what I want and dont play it much anymore’ thing for me.
I only got SL’s because it was the same price as the boosts I wanted anyway. I didnt have any shamans to farm raids for mogs so I boosted one for each side.

no…no it does not.


uh…didnt i JUST SAY THEY DONT say anything in here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I think I did.
And I hate my car…i put up with it. So no…it doesnt always work like that.

For me -

  1. The story was horrible with writing that was just… bad. It was very disjointed as well between the two side. While I applaud them for trying something new with the two continents and divergent stories, they should never do it again.

  2. That stupid very bad horrible awful necklace. It felt like they took artifact weapons, through out any of the good parts and doubled down on the parts everyone hated. Then they doubled down again with essences.

  3. Replayability is just not there. I had a great time going through both sides the first time… and that was it (other than Drustvar). I’m pretty sure some of my alts just left drunken Flynn mourning his lost love as that was a beyond annoying quest line.

  4. The story is still horrible.



My opinion


  1. Art work


  1. All classes seem similar
  2. Never ending grind (TF/WF/gear reset every patch/ap neck or cloak/misc abilities on items)
  3. Ilvl scaling
  4. Professions almost meaningless
  5. Lvl scaling (who needs twinks if you got a maxed toon)
  6. Death to any other way to play as in the game feels like it’s on rails. Death to twinks/gold value/farming/AH ppl/specialization of classes/alts
  7. Catch-up (if you had set end no need for catch-up gives false hope to ppl with alts and making everyone that doesn’t have alts things hold no value). Example you grind gear/ap = 3 months later your back to square one and it’s giving away for little effort which is like saying hey we are raising minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour and the low middle classes is at 15. So, CoL rises and now low middle class ppl are poor. Looks like you helped but you didn’t instead you F more ppl.

Persistent issues

  1. Games feels more solo with multi player function.
  2. RPG elements being removed
  3. Leveling zones not playing a true part of the game(as in the game is just end game)
  4. Game focus on the hardcore 1% and the casuals 10 to 20%(the ppl that are not so average at the game). The ok to average gamer is in this boat ->Meaning let say you do 5+ to 15+ mythic and normal to heroic raids you don’t have everyday to play. In 2 to 3 months everything you did = WQ the + dungeon gear say + whatever but the ilvl says another. What you get is a game that is mostly very easy to extremely hard anything in the middle is almost worthless to do.
  5. Flying it’s in the game and not at the sametime. You can get after blah and no real integration of it being implemented as in like TBC or wrath it’s just there.
  6. Pay to lvl
  7. After every little patch the old content is mainly forgotten about.

I play the other 110 levels of content. I play BfA to get to 120 so I can farm old content. Once I get to 120 and get my azerite level to around 43, I stop playing BfA. I “might” do some LFR to increase my power, to make farming easier.

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Or some went to classic. I love wow. classic gives me hope that retail might get back on track.

Shadow lands looks like another BFA.

D4 looks more a mix of retail to classic wow with in the D4 universe. I might have to give it a go.

This on so many levels… The story in WoD felt more consistent and that’s really not a compliment to that expansion at all. And the whole “We’re different” bicep touch between Thrall and Jaina feels like such an empty gesture when nothing changed. I’m expecting War 5 to start right after Shadowlands, likely with Warchief #3/something like Gallywix takes over the council and becomes a dictator. Because we still don’t know what it means to be Horde, right?

While there were weaknesses in the weapon design, I loved the cosmetic side of collecting skins. It speaks to the collector in me and it was a lot of fun pushing myself to get what I could before the end. The neck doesn’t have that. You’re right, it took the fun and good parts of the artifact and stripped them. And even the cosmetics feels pointless because we won’t get to keep those effects, they’re tied to the neck. So the Rank 4 gives me absolutely no drive to try and get.

Not to mention, as I said about, rent a power. Bleck…

It’s the AP grind for me. That and essences, I just don’t want to work on my character when I can’t just pursue gear/craft gear and that’s all I need to raid. Legion was bad with the legendary system, but BfA and these darned essences/Azerite…

Looking forward to the predictable Sylvanas redemption arc…:nauseated_face:


Not really an alt then, that’s called a second main. You were never really intended to have more than like 2 or 3 endgame toons without playing absurd times. Even top 100 guilds don’t really req more than 2/3.

Nope. If they do that in their normal ham-fisted writing style… my sub may not survive. That may be the final straw.



I wouldnt say its hated because its bad, but because it was a major disappointment.

An expansion with a divisive story, extensive grinding, and a continuation of some of the hated systems from Legion. The expac had potential to be good, but it just wasnt.


I’m kind of there with you, and it hurts to say. Been an active sub for 13 years but I just don’t know if I can stomach Sylvanas for the third expansion in a row where she’s front and center, and fourth expansion where she plays a major role. I get that she’s eye candy and popular with many people, but goodness I can’t stand her anymore…



I’ve enjoyed BfA more than Legion. I prefer less of the ‘epic baddie’ theme (Burning Legion, Lich King) and more of the ‘make your own adventure’ theme.

I mean…they did it with Starcraft.