Why Is Baine Even A Part of the Horde?

Missing a few key parts there champ.

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Because they are, BtS is lore, Chronicles is Lore, Rise of the Horde is lore. Among a few of her literary works. They ARE lore. And the best evidence we have of Baine kicking out his own people are the Tauren at vengeance point, a group of exiles who instead of bowing down to Baineā€™s tyranny decided to hold the Alliance accountable. Why else do you think in that one profession quest the other chick doesnā€™t go to Thunder Bluff herself? Because she canā€™t she is banished for wanting vengeance against the Alliance.

Nope, got it all right there.

The Golden + Afriasiabi factor I call it. I can understand Lorā€™themar taking a more subtle approach to deal with Sylvanas (she has the military and strategical means to cause heavy damage in his own backyard without him noticing on time to prevent a disaster) , but the Orcs and Tauren donā€™t have the same security reservations and should be able to oppose more openly (like Cairne did with Garrosh). Trolls have always been portrayed as favoring more cunning ways, so Rokhanā€™s attitude doesnā€™t bother be (I guess this explains why their genetic descendants A. K. A. the elves have too a perchant for playing 4d chess instead of bluntly confronting a menace).


So the war went exactly as Sylvanas and Saurfang planned?

News to me.

I thought they were losing as they both predicted would happen if their plan wasnā€™t successful.



I swear if the idiot causes a pseudo apocalytic scenario because he feels like messing around with some alien machine buttons Iā€™ll let the characters die (I refusevto act like his nanny for the n-esim time).



If they are there you have to press them!

And this takes me again to my personal curse related to short patience regarding moron charactersā€¦ Sorry but Brann is NOT funny enough, ergo his stupidity just comes as aggravating.

oh, donā€™t worry, he literally does nothing more than take you to uldir,but the one who actually press buttons is the PC.
and then, you punch old god minions in the face.

Nope it didnā€™t and mainly because Saurfang is so useless that he cannot follow a simple order. So, not Sylvanasā€™ fault.

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Wanting peace =/= ā€œpacifistā€. A pacifist would have just rolled over and let the Horde do what it wanted, not retaliated.

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You gotta make up your mind. Is Goldenā€™s writing canon, or not?


Okay, let us be honest here. I can vehemently deny Christieā€™s garbage as lore as much as I want. It still is lore. I hate it, other people hate it, it is trash. But sadly, not I, nor you, or anyone can change it. All I can do, is boycott her work out of principle. I mean, I can hate the fact that they killed off Volā€™jin like that, I can hate the fact that bombs planted so many months in advance were never discovered, I can hate that the Darkshore is a garbage copy of D-Day which should have ended with the death of all invaders. But imagine I RP that Sylvanas is not Warchief but Volā€™jin is, imaging I rp that the Zandalari fleet wasnā€™t blown up, imagine I rp that Darkshore was never successfully invaded.

Sounds stupid right?

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Garrosh at the time literally dropped a huge metal contraction above him and if not for the massive plot armor, Anduin would had been damaged to the point he right now would be a perma crippleā€¦ but even with all that baggage, GoldenĀ“s boy rather go and play Mother Theresa with Garrosh.

Call me crazy but it does seem like Anduin rolling over and trying to let Garrosh do what he wanted with himā€¦


Because the New Horde was founded on heroic ideals and Baine wants to re-establish them.

Baine isnā€™t betraying the founding values of the faction. Garrosh and Sylvanas are.

Baine doesnā€™t hate the Horde, he hates Garrosh and Sylvanas.


HeĀ“s ill equipped to fulfill this purpose -and will continue be ill equipped to do so- as long as Golden et al insist on portraying him as so enamoured with the idea of peace and friendhip with Anduin and Jaina he rather ignores plights and tribulations of his people and the Horde in favor of the AllianceĀ“s ones.

Look, some of us got annoyed at him making the temper tantrum over Derek especifically. Put another random Forsaken and things improve dramatically for Baine. We hated it cause once again it seemed like Baine just mumbing his discontent while Horde lives are in perish but jumping the gun when itĀ“s the family of wittle Jaina or AnduinĀ“s interests in the picture.

Him sending that part of his horn to Anduin caused massive damage to his credibility to the Horde playerbaseā€¦ at this rate we Hordies ought to petition from Golden to abstain from using Baine in any scene involving her pet characters, cause poor Baine is ALWAYS the one that gets humiliating portrayal at the end at the expense of the other two hacks.

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You knowā€¦ kind of getting sick of the accusation that all Baine cares about is Anduin and Jaina and that everything he does is somehow for them or about themā€¦

ā€¦ he warned Jaina about Theramore because he didnā€™t want the civilians there to suffer and because he felt he owed her a debt for her help reclaiming Thunder Bluff from the Grimtotem. He also fought with the Horde army for their whole campaign even though he personally disagreed with it.

Anduin gave him a weapon and Baine gave it back.

Anduin was his pen pal and Baine wrote him about what really happened at the Broken Shore. Nothing regarding Horde politics. Nothing that could harm the Horde in anyway.

Baine was disgusted by a lot of things that Sylvanas has done, but most of those things he only knew about after the fact and/or was in no position to stop. Brainwashing Derek was something he knew of, disagreed with and was able to stop from happening (maybe). Itā€™s the sort of thing that would have appalled him no matter who the victim was and itā€™s very, very likely that he would have done the same if it was random undead #56.

Those are the only things he did for either of them that I recall. So where does this attitude that heā€™s all Jaina/Anduin all the time even come from?


What else has he done?

People who play tauren for the story like baine people who play horde for agression and being evil hate baineā€¦this is like telling the gnomes of the alliance to change their entire culture into warmongers because of some minor event


Thereā€™s almost nothing that wouldnā€™t be a fair trade to never see baine again.

So, considering that you are an orc warlock, i can assume that in order to vanish to Baine you will give in returnā€¦