Why is Archaeology this bugged?!?!

So, while going about my digs and completions I noticed that my Troll dig sites are still quite prevalent even though I have successfully completed all Troll artifacts. Stopping to check my lists I found that not only are not all my rare completions showing for the Troll race (I have all of them), but one of the common artifacts are also not showing (only shows 13 of the 14 completed). This is also the case for my Dwarf solves. NONE of my rare solves are showing on the list (I have all of them completed except for the staff, of course) and only 26 of the 27 common artifacts show as completed on my list at any one time. Which commons show depend upon which artifact of each race I just solved for. When I do a new solve, the list of artifacts “moves” about and changes but does not expand to full.

I have put in a bug report for this and will do so every day until I get some sort of response because this is ridiculous, but my big question is…


Did EVERYONE who knows how this code works leave Blizzard with no documentation and no turnover? I have read about this bug and others over and over and over again while trying to research why I cannot advance my Archaeology solves beyond where they have stagnated. This stuff worked back in 2014. I fully understand “Bring Your Kid to Work” days but please stop allowing them access to your code!!

How bad is Mists going to be? How many things will and won’t work? Will it even be worth logging into and playing again?

I just do not understand how something that worked successfully can be re-released by the exact SAME company 14 years later and be such a buggy, neglected mess.

Do they just not care anymore? Or do they just lack the knowledge and resources to fix these issues?

/rant off


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Probably something to do with running old patches on a Legion client, though Cata is absolutely suffering for it. I’m also guessing its a tiny crew that is working on getting MoP ready instead of splitting time on Cata, so hopefully the current bugs will be fixed in MoP’s release.