Why is Alliance so easily defeated on Korrak

" * Commanders Karl and Louis Philips now have an equal amount of health.

Nov 22nd hotfix notes, they fixed those NPCS. they did not fix Ivus and Frostlord dmg being different. Alliance NPCs just seem weaker in general and have poor placement compared to the horde. Horde base is WAY easier to defend given the bridge knockbacks can be used on either side.

Alliance also has AFK spots to hide in where they don’t show on the map, so there’s often at least 3 people AFKing there. At least some people in mines messing around, and trying to get into the Frostwolf zone as Alliance is awful whereas on my Horde I can get into Dun Baldar bunkers easy going into the back.

Not to mention Horde get to Stonehearth bunker before Alliance can get anywhere near Iceblood. They start further into the map, advantage after advantage to the horde here and no fix.